Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started his own Monday blog theme many months ago called Amanuensis Monday. What does "amanuensis" mean? John offers this definition:
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
The subject today is the will of Reuben Waite (1656-1707) of Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts. Reuben married Tabitha Launders (about 1662-after 1707) in 1682, and they had eight children: Thomas Waite (1683-1743); Eleanor Waite (1689-????); Benjamin Waite (1690-1772); Joseph Waite (1693-1774); Abigail Waite (1693-????); Reuben Waite (1695-????); Tabitha Waite (1695-????); Jeremiah Waite (1698-1754).
Reuben Waite of Dartmouth died testate, having written a will dated 11
"To all People to whom these presents shall come I Ruben Wait of Dartmouth in the County of Bristol in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Do hereby manifest and Declare that I being at this time very sensable of the weakness of my body but my Memory and understanding is of good and sound do for the Settleing & Disposeing of my worldly estate make this my last will and Testament to be of forme after my Decease hereby Revokeing and Declareing to be null & voyd all and Every other will & wills Testament & Testaments by me formerly made whether in word or writing and this onely to be my last will and Testament.
"Imprimis I will that after my decease my son Thomas Wait shall have halfe my farm or lott of land allready layd out and Exactly divided in ye midle at the foot and so to extend to the head with half my marsh meadow with half my priviledge of individual lands throughout the township of Dartmouth. The said divided land and meadow to lye in ye south side of sd lott of land. Allso I give and bequeath unto my loveing wife Tabitha Wait twenty acres of land with my Dweling house with my Orchard and the Remaining part of Marsh meadow dureing her Natural life and allso all my moveables and Chattels of what sort or kind forever.
"Item. I give and bequeath to my four sons Benja- Wait Joseph Wait Ruben Wait Jerimiah Wait all ye rest of my lands both divided and undivided throughout the township of Dartmouth exactly divided among them to be and remain unto them their heires and Assignes forever, and after the Decease of my sd wife then the aforesd Twenty acres of land with the Marsh meadow and the orchard & Dweling house to be exactly divided betwixt my four sons Benjamin Wait Joseph Wait Ruben Wait & Jerimiah Wait to be & Remain unto them thier heires & assignes forever. And if either of the four sons Benja- Wait Joseph Wait Ruben Wait & Jerimiah Wait dy before they come of Age then to be divided amongst the survivors of them. Allso I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elinor Wait three pounds Equivalent to money to be payd by my Executrix hereafter named. allso I give & bequeath unto my two Daughters Abigail Wait & Tabitha Wait three pounds a peice Equivalent to money to be payd allso by my Executrix named. And for the Executing of this my last will & Testament I do hereby appoint my loveing wife Tabitha Wait to be whole and sole Executrix and so for her to have to doe & perform as doth or shall to her as Executrix belong to have to do & perform. In witness whereof I the sd Ruben Wait have hereunto set my hand and seale the Eleventh day of October 1707.
"Signed sealed Published & Declared by the ................................... Ruben Wait (his mark) (seal)
abovenamed Ruben Wait in presence
of us George Cadman
Joseph Tripp
John Tripp"
"George Cadman Joseph Tripp & John Tripp all of Dartmouth in ye County of Bristol this 5th of November 1707 Before Coll-o Natha-l Byfield Esq-r Judge of Probate of wills &c within the County of Bristoll Made Oath that they were present & did see Ruben Wait above named since deceased signe seal Publish and Declare the above written as his last will and Testament and that he was to their apprehension of a sound disposeing mind, and that they set their hands thereto at the same time as witnesses.
Natha-l Byfield"
An inventory of the estate of Reuben Wait was taken by Joseph Tripp, James Tripp and George Cadman, which totalled 273 pounds, 1 shilling, 2 pence. The inventory reads (transcribed from Bristol County (Massachusetts) Probate Records, Volume 2, Page 188):
"Wee whose names were under written being Elected & choose by the partys concerned to take an Inventory of the Estate of Ruben Wait lately of Dartmouth in the County of Bristoll in New England have to ye best of our understanding taken it as followeth:
Imprimis the lands at .................................................................... .150=00=00
Item 7 Cowes at ...................................................................... ........ 017=10=00
2 Oxen: 2 three year old Steers: 4 yearlings at ................................... 019=00=00
20 Sheep & 24 lambs & a horse & half a yearling Mare & 14 swine at ... 014=10=00
4 Calves & 9 Geese and some other fowles at .................................... 002=16=00
2 Stocks of bees & Conne & a plow with 2 Chaines 3 yokes with Irons . 003=07=00
2 Axes 4 hoes w-th
4 hoopes 4 forks a drawing Knife a Gun with an Inn Dog ..................... 001=06=00
200 bushels of corn 30 loads of hay with some flax at ........................ 024=00=00
7 Barils of cider 4 Beds and beding to them w-th a warming pan at ..... 015=03=00
A Loom & one stay 6 Chest & boxes & 4 wheels with ??? bar at ......... 003=07=00
3 Bedsteds 52 pounds of sheeps wool a Saddle Panel w-th a pilow ..... 004=12=00
3 Coats & a pair of Breches 2 shirts w-th some other Cloathing at ....... 002=00=00
6 Napkins & a table Cloath & 5 yds 1/2 linning cloath w-th some b??? . 000=19=00
2 platts a bason 4 porengers 2 potts 6 glass bottles 2 Earthen pots & ??? 001=03=06
Butter & Cheese at ...................................................................... ... 004=16=00
2 Iron bottles 2 iron pots a skillet & fryin pan a bottle & 2 wedges ....... 001=18=00
6 pailes 13 trayes 2 Chgeese tubs a basen tub 12 dyshes 12 treachers
with other wooden ware ..................................................................... 001=12=00
A Candle stick a pear of Cards 6 spoones & a looking glass
& a powdering tub at ......................................................................... 000=12=02
2 old cases a table 3 Chaires 2 Combs with some old books
and some Apples at ........................................................................... 002=01=02
The total sum 271=10=04
This Inventory was made the 10 day of October 1707
in Dartmouth by us Joseph Tripp, John Tripp, Geo. Cadman.
More one Cross Cutt jars a half Busher w-th fithe at ............................. 000=12=00
5 pound of Linnen yarn & a funnol at ................................................... 000=12=04
A boll and 3 shovels at ........................................................................ 000=06=06
------------------------------------------------------------------------001=10=06 -
The total sum 273=01=02
"Tabitha Wait Executrix of ye last will & Testament of her late dec husband Ruben Wait appeared the fifth day of Nov-r 1707 before the Hon-ble Natha-l Byfield Esq-r Judge of Probate of wills within the County of Bristoll & made Oath that the Inventory above written is a just and true account of the whole Estate of her sd husband & that is come to her Knowledge and when she Knows of more she will Reveal it that it may be herewith entered & Recorded.
Jurr-t Coram Natha-l Byfield"
Reuben Waite died at a relatively young age - about 51 years, leaving a wife and eight living children, including two sets of male-female twins. My ancestry is through the oldest son, Thomas Waite, who married Mary Tripp (1689-1754). Thomas received half of his father's the land in his father's will - I wonder where it was? I need to go look for Bristol County Land Records sometime because I have all of these ancestral families around Dartmouth.
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Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2012
Updated 18 September 2012: Reader Dave caught my typo of the date the will was written. He also asked why the inventory was taken before (10 October) the will was written. I don't know for sure, but the copy of the will that I have is a court clerk's copy, not the original handwritten will. The court clerk may not have transcribed the date accurately - it may well be 11 September 1707. If that is the case, then the inventory date of 10 October (if transcribed correctly) may be soon after the death date.
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