Thursday, February 6, 2014

FindMyPast Display at RootsTech 2014

The large FindMyPast display near the entrance to the Exhibit Hall is a bit different.  Here are some views:

They fashioned the front of the exhibit, facing the exhibit hall entrance, as a church building.  The photo above shows the "Today's Services" for the day at the "Parish Church of St.-Findus-in-the-Past."  Cute, I thought.

The open area  in the photo below is just to the left of the services board seen above and includes a stained-glass window above the front of the "parish church" with a video screen and a seating area:

On the other side of the partition is the area where FindMyPast staff demonstrate their website and help patrons do a little research:

I didn't talk to anyone on this pass by the display because the staff was busy with customers.

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Copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver

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