The treasure today is the 1861 Canada West Census record for my 3rd great-grandparents, Alexander and Elizabeth (Putman) Sovereen in Middleton, Norfolk County, Canada West:
The snipped partial view of the Alexander Sovereen household:
The information extracted from this record for the Sovereen family includes:
* line 33 - Alexander Sovereen - an Innkeeper, born Upper Canada, Baptist religion, resides in Windham, age 47, male, married
* 34 - Eliza Sovereen - no occupation, born Upper Canada, Baptist religion, resides in Windham, age 43, female, married
* 35 - Mary J. Sovereen - no occupation, born Upper Canada, Baptist religion, resides in Windham, age 21, female, single
* 36 - Rachael Sovereen - no occupation, born Upper Canada, Baptist religion, resides in Windham, age 12, female, single, attended school within the year
* 37 - Gertrude Sovereen - no occupation, born Upper Canada, Baptist religion, resides in Windham, age 10, female, single, attended school within the year
* 38 - Sarah Sovereen - no occupation, born Upper Canada, Baptist religion, resides in Windham, age 8, female, single, attended school within the year
* 39 Nancy Sovereen - no occupation, born Upper Canada, Baptist religion, resides in Windham, age 6, female, single, attended school within the year
* 40 - Rozina Sovereen - no occupation, born Upper Canada, Baptist religion, resides in Windham, age 4, female, single
* 41 - Haty Sovereen - no occupation, born Upper Canada, Baptist religion, resides in Windham, age 3, female, single
The source citation for this record is:
Census of Canada, 1861, Canada West, Norfolk District, Middleton sub-district, Page 49, Lines 33-41, Alexander Sovereen household ; digital image, Library and Archives Canada ( : accessed 23 August 2013); citing Library and Archives Canada Microfilm C-1052.
Mary Jane Sovereen, born in 1840, is my second great-grandmother, who married James Abraham Kemp (1831-1902) in 1861, and had five children, including my great-grandmother, Georgianna Kemp (1868-1952).
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copyright (c) 2014, Randall J. Seaver
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