"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
The subject today is the 1708 will of Christopher Bartlett (1655-1711) of Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony:
[image 4 of 13 in packet 1849]
[image 5 of 13 in packet 1849]
The transcription of the will is:
[image 4 of 13]
In the name of God Amen
I Christopher Barlit Sr of Haverhill
in the County
of Esex in new England being by the
goodnes Gods found
in my understanding: yet consdiering my
mortallyty: my
weaknes and the many hazards I am in
these times of
warr: I do make this my last will and
testament as
first Haveing comited my soul to God
my maker and to
Christ my redeemer by the help of the
Holy Ghost my comforter
2dly my fraill body I comitt to the
Earth where ir was
taken I hope of a beter resurection; to
be by Gods
permission decently buried.
3dly my will is that for what Estate
God hath given me
in this world be Disposed as followeh
That my Just debts be honestly paid and
by my Executors hereafter mentioned
Item I leave my whole Estate reale and
personal in the
hands of my welbeloved Wife Debora
Bartlit with
The injunctions hereafter mentioned
my Eldest Son Christopher bartling
having alredy
received a Duble portion of my Estate I
give him
no more by this will
Also my three Eldest Daughters having
Six pounds apeas: to wit Debora Mary
and Ann
I give them no more at present.
Itt I give to my four youngest
Daughters: martha Lydia
Abigal and Mehetable: Six pounds apeas:
And my
wife Shal be able to pay out of sd
Estate without
Disinabling herself from a comfortable
Ittem I give to my youngest Son Samuel
Bartlit the one
half of my land when he come to the age
of twenty
one years and the other half at my
wives decease
al the land in that tract wher I Dwell
in Haverhil
and do will him to pay what shall
remain unpaid
of Six pounds apeas to my four youngest
as above mentioned: that is only to the
youngest: no other
Ittem What arms iron tools and such
like I have at
my deceas I give to my Son Samuel
but if my wife Should mary again then I
that she have only her thirds of my
Effects: unles
she be good security for the paying my
portions and carfull managing my ???
until my
youngest son comes of age.
Itt I give to my Seven daughters above
named all
my land at the Chesnut country to be
devided for quantity and quallity
amongst them
and my will is that if my son Samuel Do
not live
to come to the age of twenty and one
years that
my wife shall have the sd Liveing in
her hands
Durind her natural life if she remains
my widow
for the confirmation hereof I have
[image 5 of 13]
set my hand and seale this 1 day of
June one
thousand Seven hundred and Eight.
This writing was read to signed sealed
owned by Christopher bartlit senr
in the presence of
Christopfore bartlit
us Samuel Ayer
James Ayer
Samuel Dalton
Last will and testament
of Christopher Bartlet late
of Haverhill deceased
1713 November 13
The source citation for this will is:
Essex County, Massachusetts, Essex County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1638-1881, Probate Packet 1849, images 4 and 5 of 13, will of Christopher Bartlett, written 1708, proved 1713; digital images, New England Historic Genealogical Society, American Ancestors (http://www.americanancestors.org: accessed 2 September 2014); original estate papers in Essex County Probate Court.
Christopher Bartlett and his wife Deborah (Weed) Bartlett (1659-1726) had at least 14 children, but five died before reaching adulthood and before Christopher wrote his will in 1708. Sons Christopher and Samuel are mentioned in the will, as are older daughters Deborah, Mary, Ann, and younger daughters Martha, Lydia, Abigail and Mehitable. Unfortunately, no married names for any of the daughters are provided.
I am descended through the daughter Anne Bartlett (1684-1721) who married Joseph Colby (1680-1754) in 1704, and had eight children in Amesbury, Massachusetts. Their son, Joseph Colby (1707-1768) married Abigail Worthen (1714-????) in 1736 and resided in Amesbury and Chester, New Hampshire.
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2015/04/amanuensis-monday-post-265-will-of.html
Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver
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