A Genealogy Gems News Release
Dallas, Texas, USA
April 20, 2015
Contact: Sunny Morton
Lisa Louise Cooke’s Genealogy Gems is pleased to announce the newest featured title in the FREE Genealogy Gems Book Club, which features great reads for genealogy lovers.
Our new book is The Lost Ancestor: A Genealogical Crime Mystery, the most recent installment in a series by British author Nathan Dylan Goodwin.
“The hero of the series is Morton Farrier,” explains Sunny Morton, Genealogy Gems Contributing Editor and Book Club moderator. “He’s a forensic genealogist whose cases are usually quite tame, but occasionally he takes on a job that leads him into dark and dangerous corners of the past and the present.
“In The Lost Ancestor, Morton is hired to find out what happened to his client’s great-aunt Mary, who disappeared without a trace a century ago. It’s a tame enough premise, but then we get to the historical setting of her life story: a grand English estate where Mary is a maid who’s thinking above her status. The drama will speak to Downtown Abbey lovers for sure! With her proximity to a grand family comes proximity to money and power, which have a definite effect on how Mary’s story unfolds.” Follow The Lost Ancestor’s coverage on the Genealogy Gems podcasts (and see past book club selections and interviews) at http://lisalouisecooke.com/genealogy-book-club/
About the Genealogy Gems Book Club
The Genealogy Gems Book Club is a free, virtual, no-commitment option that features a new book every three months. Titles include mainstream nonfiction and fiction titles that explore themes genealogists care about, like family ties, heritage and history. New selections are announced in January, April, July and October on the free and Premium Genealogy Gems podcasts. The next month, part of the book is highlighted and additional titles are recommended. In the last month of each quarter, the podcasts feature exclusive interviews with the authors.
The first title featured in 2015 was Christina Baker Kline’s novel Orphan Train. Authors interviewed on past podcasts include Steve Luxenberg (Annie’s Ghosts: A Journey into a Family Secret), Leslie Albrecht Huber (The Journey Takers), and Jennifer Wilson (Running Away to Home: Our Family’s Journey to Croatia in Search of Who We Are, Where We Came From and What Really Matters).
About Lisa Louise Cooke’s Genealogy Gems
Lisa Louise Cooke’s Genealogy Gems teaches genealogists to discover, organize and share their family stories. The Genealogy Gems Podcast is a popular online genealogy audio show that brings genealogy news, research strategies, expert interviews and inspiration to genealogists in 75 countries around the world and recently surpassed 1.5 million downloads (available at www.GenealogyGems.com, in iTunes, and through the Genealogy Gems app).
Lisa has authored a variety of multi-media materials including the Genealogy Gems Premium website/podcast subscription, the popular video series Google Earth for Genealogy and our books: Turn Your iPad into a Genealogy Powerhouse, How to Find Your Family History in Newspapers, The Genealogist’s Google Toolbox (2nd edition in 2015) and Genealogy Gems: Ultimate Research Strategies. Keep updated on new Genealogy Gems offerings (videos, podcasts, book club interviews, blog posts and more) with the free monthly Genealogy Gems newsletter, available by signing up at http://GenealogyGems.com.
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1 comment:
I have an unpopular opinion about fiction based on fact. I won't write it and I won't read it. Family trees are messy enough without fictional people, places and events being added in a book. When too much of it is true, someone, maybe lots of someones, will take it as fact, add it to their tree, and create more of a mess than it ever was. I read a blog post not long ago about this very thing happening. Wish I could remember where I read it, I would post the url.
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