Tuesday, April 21, 2015

"Crowdsourcing Your Research" on Extreme Genes Radio

It was an honor to be interviewed by Scott Fisher on the Extreme Genes Radio Show last week.  The radio broadcast is online now at Ep. 83 – Crowdsourcing Your Research / Theresa’s Family Remembers (posted 20 April 2015).

On the website, click on the radio bar and you can listen to this episode of the radio show.

My interview starts at about the 11:20 minute mark, and lasts about 11 minutes.  Fisher describes it as:

"Then, super-blogger Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings joins the show to talk about crowdsourcing your research.  It’s an idea he learned can bring free research assistance from anywhere in the world.  As usual, Randy has a great story to go along with it.  Listen in for the details."

My topic was "Crowdsourcing Your Research" and used my Whittle Research Compendium for the research story that used information provided by a number of researchers around the world to help me solve the research challenge.  

I encourage all of my readers to listen to Fisher's Extreme Genes Radio Show every week.  He does a great job of reviewing the genealogy industry and interviewing interesting folks in the genealogy world.

The URL for this post is:  http://www.geneamusings.com/2015/04/crowdsourcing-your-research-on-extreme.html

Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

He's also available by podcast. It's the only way I can keep up...
