Thursday, October 15, 2015

46 Million Swedish Household Records are Available on MyHeritage

The MyHeritage Blog informed us today in 46 Million Swedish Household Records Are Available today that they have added these records.  The blog says:

"We are happy to announce that we've added over 46 million Swedish records to MyHeritage   SuperSearch. The high quality parish register records, spanning 1880 to 1920, are now available, indexed and searchable online for the first time. These records include information about births, deaths, marriages, addresses and changes in household composition. They provide a unique view into the lives of Swedish people living at that time, making this collection a fantastic family history resource for anyone with Swedish heritage.

"Search Sweden Household Examination Books Now"

Read the entire post for background information and the value of these records.

Unfortunately, I don't have any Swedish ancestors in this time period, so I cannot show an ancestral record from this collection.  I searched for Seaver and got some matches with similar names, including this one for Carl Gotthard Seiver.  Here is the record summary:

Here is the record image:

The user will have to figure out the column headings from the Swedish if that is not one of the user's languages.

This database certainly appears to be a very useful and interesting record set for those with Swedish ancestry and family history.

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Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver

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