Calling all Genea-Musings Fans:
It's Saturday Night again -
time for some more Genealogy Fun!!
Here is your assignment if you choose to play along (cue the Mission Impossible music, please!):
1) Who is your most recent immigrant ancestor? I'm assuming that your ancestors moved from one country to another at some point in time.
2) Tell us about that person - name, birth and death, emigration and immigration country and port, date or year of immigration, etc. Share it in a blog post of your own, in a comment on this blog post, or on Facebook or Google+.
Here's mine:
My most recent immigrant ancestor is my great-grandfather, Thomas Richman/Richmond (1848-1917) and his mother, Hannah (Rich) Richman (1824-1911). They immigrated into the United States on 14 November 1856 in New York City, arriving on the ship Osprey out of Bristol in England. The passenger list included:
* Hannah Richman - age 32, female, a wife
* James Richman - age 7, male, a child
* Thomas Richman - age 6, male, a child
* Louisa Richman - age 4, female, a child
* Elizabeth Richman - age 3, female, a child
* Ann Richman - an infant, female, a child
James Richman (1821-1912) had come to America on the ship Calhoun from Liverpool in England on 22 October 1855.
The Richmans had lived in Hilperton in Wiltshire, near Trowbridge, until they emigrated. I don't know how they went from Hilperton to the ports - Liverpool is fairly far away from Wiltshire. Perhaps they went by wagon or coach.
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My 3rd great grandfather, Charles Francois Xavier Voiland, emigrated to the United States from Essert, France. He, his wife Adelaide (Perrin), and 5 of their children arrived at Castle Garden, on board the William Tell, on December 3rd, 1857. Charles’ name has also appeared in family records as Jean Baptiste Voiland. It seems he used both names.
They eventually made their way to Buffalo, NY and then permanently settled in Waupaca Co., WI. Most of the Voiland family changed their surname to “Weller”.
A link to view their passenger list can be found at
At first the origin of my maternal 3rd great grandfather, William T. Slater, was a bit of a mystery. He appeared seemingly out of nowhere in an 1820 Indiana marriage record and he died in 1847 so there's no contemporary census record of his place of birth. However, beginning with the 1880 U.S. Census his children consistently listed their father's birthplace as England so I looked at immigration records for all the usual east coast ports of entry: New York, Boston, Philadelphia, even Charleston and New Orleans without finding him. Since I was raised by adoptive parents, I didn't know any family stories but after my daughter located my birth mother's relatives we learned that they had been told that he was a deserter from the British invasion fleet which attacked New Orleans in 1814-15. With that in mind, I was able to locate him applying for U.S. citizenship in a naturalization index for Jefferson County, Indiana, in 1818. Family tradition also says he was from Yorkshire but Slater is a fairly common surname there so it's been impossible to verify where he was born.
(The British forces totaled about 8,000 men. It's been assumed that he was in the British Navy but he could also have been a marine or soldier and so far I've found no mention of him in online English military records.)
My great-great-grandparents Gershon and Dvojre Nowicki arrived at Ellis Island in 1922.
My great grandmother and her parents arrived in Melbourne, colony of Victoria, in 1863.
My newest immigrants are my grandfather, who came to NY from Italy in 1916 at age 17, and my grandmother, who came from Italy (different area) in 1911, at age 4. Both of my grandparents traveled with members of their families, and met and married in NY several yrs later.
My most recent immigrant was August KRUEGER (KROEGER in America), a paternal great-grandfather. He was born in 1855 in Niekosken, Posen, Germany (Nikursko, Wielkopolskie, Poland) to Michael KRUEGER and Anna RZEZINSKA (Germanized: RESINSKA). He emigrated to the US in 1881 and settled near Vincennes, Indiana. His parents were originally from the town of Behle (Polish: Biala) near Schönlanke (Polish: Trzcianka). He was not the first emigrant from that area (Behle specifically) to Knox County, Indiana. Chief among these had been the NOWASKIE (NOWACKI in Poland) family; and a KROEGER would later marry a NOWASKIE in Knox County.
August KRUEGER married Marie Catherine MOUGIN (1854-1913) on 10 April 1883, at St Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Vincennes, Knox, Indiana. She had previously been married to Peter George GOGNAT, who died in 1881. August and Catherine had 5 children:
F - Julia KROEGER 1884-1944
F - Anna R KROEGER 1886-1964
F - Emma J KROEGER 1887-1948
M - August Walter KROEGER 1889-1927
F - Agnes Mary KROEGER 1894-1957
Agnes Mary is my grandmother.
Late in his life (1926) August chose to return to (then) Germany to visit his remaining two sisters at Behle and so completed his citizenship and obtained a passport. He died in the care of his daughter, Emma KROEGER-NOWASKIE, on 24 March 1929, at Vincennes.
I was gone this weekend so got a late start:
Hi Randy!
Why don't you consider Georgianna Kemp Auble (1868 Canada - 1952 USA, immigrated bef 1898) to be your Most Recent Immigrant Ancestor?
I really should, shouldn't I? My (misguided?) concept of "immigrant" was someone who came to our country via a ship or airplane, rather than a train or it's a 21st century mindset I have.
My Canadian ancestors were descended from refugees from the American Revolution, so they were on the North American continent before the late 1700s.
Thanks for the mind stretch.
Thank you for the suggestion. My Most Recent Immigrant (known) Ancestor is Sarah H Blackhurst Barber (1848-unk) See:
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