If I have not included your blog posts, please let me know in Comments to this post and I will be glad to add them.
1) Randy Seaver on Genea-Musings blog:
* I'm Ready to Explore the RootsTech 2016 Expo Hall (3 February 2016)
* My Day at the Family History Library - 2 February 2016 (3 February 2016)
* Day One at RootsTech 2016 (3 February 2016)
* My Day 2 at RootsTech 2016 - Part 1: Activities (4 February 2016)
* My Day 2 at RootsTech 2016 - Part 2: Photos (4 February 2016)
* RootsTech News: TapGenes Wins First Place of 2016 Innovator Showdown (5 February 2016)
* My Day 3 at RootsTech 2016 - Photos (5 February 2016)
* My Day 3 at RootsTech 2016 - Activities (6 February 2016)
* My Day 4 at RootsTech 2016 - Photos (6 February 2016)
* My Day 4 at RootsTech 2016 - Activities (6 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016 Highlight - MyHeritage Party Slide Show (8 February 2016)
* My Day 4 at RootsTech 2016 - The Geneabloggers After-Party (8 February 2016)
* Tuesday's Tip: Watch RootsTech 2016 Videos on YouTube (9 February 2016)
* DearMYRTLE YouTube Videos About RootsTech 2016 (9 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016 Keynote and Class Videos Available on RootsTech.org (10 February 2016)
* 12 Takeaways from the RootsTech 2016 Conference (10 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016 Highlights: What's Coming for Ancestry.com? (11 February 2016)
2) James Tanner on Genealogy's Star blog:
* #RootsTech 2016 -- Innovators Summit Keynote now on YouTube (3 February 2016)
* #RootsTech 2016 -- Genealogy, Genetics and the Next Generation (3 February 2016)
* #RootsTech 2016 -- Innovators Summit -- A Case for Immutable Data (3 February 2016)
* #RootsTech 2016 -- Innovators Summit Semi-Finalists Showdown (3 February 2016)
* #RootsTech 2016 -- Innovators Summit -- BYU The Cutting Edge (3 February 2016)
* #RootsTech 2016 Day #2 -- Innovator's Summit Impressions (3 February 2016)
* #RootsTech 2016 -- Salt Lake Survival Guide (3 February 2016)
* #RootsTech 2016 -- Tough challenges which need automated solutions (3 February 2016)
* #RootsTech 2016 -- Innovator Summit Finalists Announced (3 February 2016)
* #RootsTech 2016 Day Three (for me) Checking in and tying to keep up (4 February 2016)
* #RootsTech 2016 Innovator Summit Keynote Ken Krogue (4 February 2016)
* #RoosTech2016 - Keynote Speakers (4 February 2016)
* #RootsTech 2016 My Experience So Far (5 February 2016)
* #RootsTech2016 Trying to Keep Up (6 February 2016)
* #RootsTech 2016 Day Five (for me) The beginning of the end (6 February 2016)
* #RootsTech 2016 is now over (6 February 2016)
* #RootsTech 2016 Keynote Speaker Videos (6 February 2016)
* Genealogy at Warp Speed (7 February 2016)
* #RootsTech 2016 Still More Videos (7 February 2016)
* Highlights of the MyHeritage Party at #RootsTech 2016 (9 February 2016)
* Changes in #RootsTech 2016 Conference from previous years (9 February 2016)
* Famicity.com -- A new French entry into the genealogical community (15 February 2016)
3) authors on the FamilySearch blog:
* DIY Marketing Guerilla Strategies by Maggie Stevens (3 February 2016)
* Get a Peak Into What’s Coming with Innovator Summit Keynote Speakers by Debra Woods (3 February 2016)
* Partner Town Hall with FamilySearch Executives by Lynn Broderick (3 February 2016)
* When You Talk About Your Passion, Good Things Happen by Lynn Broderick (3 February 2016)
* Stiff Competition at the 2016 RootsTech Innovator Showdown Semi-Finals by Debra Woods (3 February 2016)
* State Archives and Libraries: Free Online Resources by Diane Sagers (4 February 2016)
* Steve Rockwood Rocks the Thursday Opening Session at RootsTech by Lynn Broderick (4 February 2016)
* Innovator’s Summit: Marketing Doesn’t Have to Break the Bank by Jan Meyer (5 February 2016)
* David Isay—Recording America’s Stories by Steve Anderson (6 February 2016)
* Naomi and Josh Davis of Love Taza.com—Sharing Stories of Their Life by Trice Boenens (5 February 2016)
* U.S. Census Record Secrets Revealed! by Debra Woods (5 February 2016)
* TapGenes Wins First Place of 2016 Innovator Showdown by Paul G. Nauta (5 February 2016)
* Paula Williams Madison: My Chinese—Jamaican Legacy by Steve Anderson (5 February 2016)
* Bruce Feiler Teaches Us We are All Story Tellers by Steve Anderson (5 February 2016)
* Giving Life to Journals with LegacyScribes.org by Debra Woods (6 February 2016)
* Michael Leavitt and Doris Kearns Goodwin Encourage Us to Tell Our Stories by Diane Sagers (6 February 2016)
* Facebook and Family History—What a Match! by Christine Armstrong (9 February 2016)
* Entrepreneurship: Validation Precedes the Money by Maggie Stevens (9 February 2016)
* Soothe Your Tech Tummy Ache (11 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016 Recap: Tweets Tell the Story of this Amazing Family History Event by Greg McMurdle (12 February 2016)
* Saving Families Through Story Telling by Jay Sparks (16 February 2016)
* Can I Undo That? 25 Tech Mistakes You Should Avoid (17 February 2016)
* 10 Steps to Writing an Engaging Family History by Christine Armstrong (18 February 2016)
* Helping Your Photographs Live Forever by Maggie Stevens (18 February 2018)
* 7 Lessons From RootsTech 2016 That Can Lead to Family History Breakthroughs by Greg McMurdle (26 February 2016)
* Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas in an Online World by Lynn Broderick (26 February 2016)
* A Digital Treasure: PERSI and Your Family History by Diane Sagers (2 March 2016)
* Digitize Your Photos and Movies by Heather Lichfield (2 March 2016)
* How DNA Testing Can Help Your Family History by Bill Davidson (3 March 2016)
4) James Tanner on the Rejoice, and Be Exceeding Glad blog:
* #RootsTech 2016 -- What's new and What's hot (3 February 2016)
* #RootsTech 2016 Day Three (for me) Summing up so far (4 February 2016)
* Dramatic Changes in LDS Family History Announced at #RootsTech 2016 (7 February 2016)
* #RootsTech 2016 Video Archive (10 February 2016)
* What I did at #RootsTech 2016 (13 February 2016)
5) Diane L. Richard on the Upfront with NGS blog:
* Rootstech Keynote Speaker Paula Williams Madison's personal Afro-Chinese-Jamaican journey (3 February 2016)
* Rootstech Index-A-Thon -- Freedmen's Bureau Records -- TONIGHT (Thursday)! (4 February 2016)
* Forbes + Rootstech = Great Press for Genealogy! (9 February 2016)
6) Christine Woodcock on the Scottish Genealogy Tips and Tidbits blog:
* Headed to RootsTech!! (3 February 2016)
* Registering and Researching (3 February 2016)
* RootsTech Interview with Find My Past (8 February 2016)
* RootsTech Interview with Forever.com (8 February 2016)
* The Great Canadian Genealogy Summit Team Gets Interviewed (9 February 2016)
* 10% Discount at Forever.com (12 February 2016)
* Comparing RootsTech to Who Do You Think You Are? Live (14 February 2016)
7) Chris Paton on The British GENES Blog:
* Ulster Historical Foundation at RootsTech (3 February 2016)
8) Scott Fisher on the Extreme Genes blog:
* And So it BEGINS! Welcome to ROOTS TECH 2016! (3 February 2016)
* Innovators Summit Is Done. Roots Tech Hits All Cylinders in the Morning! (3 February 2016)
* Thursday Update from #RootsTech! (4 February 2016)
* Genealogy Wall Charts Has World’s Largest Genealogy Chart at Roots Tech (5 February 2016)
* Doris Kearns Goodwin Headlines Final Day of #RootsTech! (6 February 2016)
* #RootsTech is Histoire! (7 February 2016)
9) Lynn Broderick on The Single Leaf blog:
* The Ascent Begins Today with the Innovator Summit @RootsTechConf (3 February 2016)
* Entrepreneurs, Industry Leaders & Interested Genealogists Gathered for the Climb @RootsTechConf (10 February 2016)
* Storytelling Opens Thursday’s Session @RootsTechConf (11 February 2016)
* @AJJacobs, @LoveTaza, & @StoryCorps @RootsTechConf (12 February 2016)
* Family Discovery Day @RootsTechConf (16 February 2016)
10 Teresa Clark on the Family Storytelling blog:
* Join Us at rootstech2016! (3 February 2016)
11) Frederick Wertz on Findmypast Blog:
* FamilySearch CEO Steve Rockwood addresses #RootsTech innovators; lays out future vision (3 February 2016)
* RootsTech Live Stream: My ancestors are from Britain, what do I do next? (5 February 2016)
12) Linda Stufflebean on the Empty Branches on the Family Tree blog.
* RootsTech 2016, Day 1 (3 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016, Day 2 (4 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016, Day 3 (5 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016, Final Day (7 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016 - Expo Hall Discoveries, Part 1 (8 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016 - Expo Hall Discoveries, Part 2 (10 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016, Technology and Next Year (20 February 2016)
* Family Tree Maker's New Life and RootsMagic Partnership with Ancestry (22 February 2016)
13) Amy Archibald on the Revealing Roots and Branche blog:
* RootsTech 2016 Speaker and Ambassador (2 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: Innovator Semi Finalists (4 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: Kenneth Green GoFundMe (4 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: Innovator Summit: Steve Rockwood (11 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: Innovator Summit: Ken Krogue (11 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: Innovator Summit: DIY Small-Business Guerrilla Marketing Strategies (11 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: Innovator Summit: Get Your Startup Taken Seriously (11 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: Innovator Summit: Entrepreneurship: Validation Precedes the Money (12 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: Micro Tasking Family History (15 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: Steve Rockwood - You Are The Heart Doctors For Your Family (15 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: Stan Ellsworth (15 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: Paula Williams Madison (15 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: Bruce Feiler (18 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: Resources for Priesthood Leaders and Ward Councils (18 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: Love Taza (18 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: David Isay (18 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: TapGenes Wins First Place Innovator Showdown (18 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: Michael Leavitt (22 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: Doris Kearns Goodwin (22 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: Wendy Nelson and Sheri Dew (25 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: Using Facebook for Family History (25 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: VIP Tour of Church History Library (26 February 2016)
* Recap RootsTech 2016: Drinking From A Fire Hose (26 February 2016)
14) Richard Young on the Family History Tech blog:
* $100,000 at Stake (4 February 2016)
* Rootstech 2016 - A Quick Overview (23 February 2016)
* Rootstech 2016 - A Quick Overview II (25 February 2016)
* Rootstech 2016 - A Quick Overview III (29 February 2016)
* Rootstech 2016 - A Quick Overview IV (1 March 2016)
15) Kirsty Gray on the Family Wise blog:
* RootsTech - Day 0 (4 February 2016)
* RootsTech - Day 1 (5 February 2016)
* RootsTech - Day 2 (6 February 2016)
* RootsTech -- The Final Frontier (7 February 2016)
16) The writer of The Ancestry Insider blog:
* Tune In Now to #RootsTech Online (4 February 2016)
* #InnovatorSummit at #RootsTech – Inside-out and Upside-down (4 February 2016)
* #InnovatorSummit at #RootsTech - Business Sense for Family History Entrepreneurs (4 February 2016)
* #RootsTech: Finding Samuel Lowe (5 February 2016)
* Help at Home Right Now! #RootsTech Freedmen’s Bureau Index-A-Thon (4 February 2016)
* #RootsTech in #Hog Heaven (5 February 2016)
* #RootsTech is a Gathering of Heart Specialists (5 February 2016)
* Watch the Final Day of #RootsTech and Family Discovery Day (6 February 2016)
* From #RootsTech to @pamadison (8 February 2016)
* #RootsTech: Bruce Feiler – Understand the Desert (9 February 2016)
* #RootsTech Friday: Taza, Huzzah, Extravaganza, Advertize (10 February 2016)
* #RootsTech: David Isay – Only 40 Minutes Left to Live (11 February 2016)
* Serendipity at #RootsTech (12 February 2016)
* Elephants in the Room - Kendall Hulet at #RootsTech (16 February 2016)
* Genealogy Life Blood at Kendall Hulet #RootsTech Luncheon (17 February 2016)
* The Power of DNA – Kendall Hulet at #RootsTech Luncheon (18 February 2016)
* The Power of Story at #RootsTech: Michael Leavitt and Doris Kearns Goodwin (23 February 2016)
* #RootsTech: Anne Mitchell – Become a Master Searcher on #Ancestry.com (3 March 2016)
* #RootsTech: Robert Kehrer – #FamilySearch and a Famous Curse (10 March 2016)
* #RootsTech: Ron Tanner – Looking Back at Family Tree (16 March 2016)
* #RootsTech: Ron Tanner – Family Tree in 2016 and Beyond (17 March 2016)
17) Lara Diamond on Lara's Family Search blog:
* RootsTech, Day 1 (4 February 2016)
* RootsTech, Day 2 (4 February 2016)
* RootsTech, Days 3 & 4 (7 February 2016)
* TapGenes--Family Health Information (7 February 2016)
18) Dick Eastman on Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter:
* The Innovator Summit was Held Today at RootsTech2016 (3 February 2016)
* Day #1 of RootsTech2016 (4 February 2016)
* TapGenes Wins First Place of 2016 Innovator Showdown (8 February 2016)
* A Report from the EOGN Dinner on Saturday Evening (8 February 2016)
* RootsTech2016 Days #2 and #3 (8 February 2016)
* The Highlight of RootsTech: MyHeritage Party (8 February 2016)
* Future Plans for Family Tree Maker (12 February 2016)
* E-Z Photo Scan at RootsTech (18 February 2016)
19) Jill Ball on the GeniAus blog.
* Commonwealth Cousins (3 February 2016)
* Religious Beats (3 February 2016)
* Sitting Down to Dinner (4 February 2016)
* Once a Librarian (4 February 2016)
* Great Teamwork (6 February 2016)
* That's Kirsty not Kristy (6 February 2016)
* Judy's Next Adventure (7 February 2016)
* My Last Act at RootsTech (10 February 2016)
* What is TapGenes? - A Rootstech Interview (15 February 2016)
* Sharn's FindMyPast Interview (17 February 2016)
20) Roger Moffat on the Roger's Ramblings blog:
* RootsTech 2016 – Day One – Wednesday (3 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016 – Day One – Innovator Showdown (3 February 2016)
21) Leland Meitzler on the GenealogyBlog blog:
* Check Out the RootsTech 2016 Innovator Summit Finalists! (3 February 2016)
* TapGenes Wins the Innovator Showdown at RootsTech 2016 (5 February 2016)
* Governor Mike Leavitt Speaks at Saturday’s RootsTech Opening Session (6 February 2016)
* Bits, Bytes & Thoughts from Donna by Donna Potter Phillips (8 February 2016)
21) Renee Zamora on Renee's Genealogy Blog:
* Family Discovery Day is just a few days away! (3 February 2016)
* Relative Race Promotion for RootsTech (4 February 2016)
22) Jana Last on Jana's Genealogy and Family History Blog:
* RootsTech 2016 ~ Day 1 (3 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016 ~ Day 2 - Expo Hall Tour (4 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016 Innovator Showdown Finalists (5 February 2016)
* TapGenes Wins First Place of RootsTech 2016 Innovator Showdown (5 February 2016)
* Photos from the RootsTech 2016 Expo Hall (9 February 2016)
* I'm Home From RootsTech 2016 (11 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016 ~ Tour of the Church History Library (15 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016 ~ Lunch at the Blue Lemon (16 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016 ~ Photos of Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah (17 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016 ~ My Interview with the Co-Founders of Twile (22 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016 ~ Meetups With Fellow Genealogy Bloggers and RootsTech Ambassadors (8 March 2016)
* RootsTech 2016 ~ Ken Krogue: "Don't think the word blog, think the word newspaper or magazine." (14 March 2016)
* RootsTech 2016 Swag (30 March 2016)
23) Fran Kitto on the TravelGenee blog:
* Guerrilla Marketing Strategies for Genealogists (3 February 2016)
* RootsTech Innovator Showdown Finalists Announced (4 February 2016)
24) Jana Greenhalgh on The Genealogy Kids blog:
* RootsTech Day 1 (3 February 2016)
* RootsTech Day 2 did not disappoint!! (4 February 2016)
* Kid stuff in the expo hall at RootsTech (6 February 2016)
* RootsTech Expo Hall Treasure Hunt (6 February 2016)
* Jana's RootsTech Recap (11 February 2016)
25) Ruby Baird on Ruby's Genealogy Ramblings blog:
* RootsTech Adventures: Day One (3 February 2016)
* RootsTech Adventures: Day 2 and 3 (5 February 2016)
* RootsTech Adventures, Day 4 (8 February 2016)
26) Laura Hedgecock on the Treasure Chest of Memories blog:
* #Rootstech Innovator Showdown Semifinals (4 February 2016)
* Stories of the Heart: The Future of Family History (4 February 2016)
* Family stories: fire on a stick (6 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: Exhaustion & Rejuvenation (9 February 2016)
* AJ Jacobs on Writing, Storytelling & Family (19 February 2016)
* Definition of Family & Paula W. Madison (7 March 2016)
27) Shannon Bennett on the Trials and Tribulations of a Self-Taught Family Historian blog:
* Pre-RootsTech Wrap-up (4 February 2016)
* DNA Panel at RootsTech Innovator Summit (5 February 2016)
* Last Day at RooitsTech (6 February 2016)
* RootsTech and Tech Issues (8 February 2016)
* Keynote Speaker from RoosTech Paula Williams Madison (10 February 2016)
* Video Interviews from RootsTech (12 February 2016)
26) Jennifer Alford at Jenealogy blog:
* Periscope Fun at #RootsTech (5 February 2016)
27) Israel Pickholtz on the All My Foreparents blog:
* Thoughts From Salt Lake City (5 February 2016)
28) Russ Worthington on the Family Tree Maker User blog:
* Initial Observations of the new home for Family Tree Maker (5 February 2016)
29) Amie Bowser Tennant on the My Kith N Kin blog:
* RootsTech: The Genealogy Hub of the West (5 February 2016)
* Recommitting to My Own Family History (10 February 2016)
30) Eric Jelle on the GeneDocs blog:
* Rootstech Innovator Summit and Day 1 Summary (5 February 2016)
* Friday at Rootstech - another Remarkable Day (6 February 2016)
* RootsTech Saturday and Close (7 February 2016)
* RootsTech Saturday and Beyond (7 February 2016)
* A Week to Reflect on Rootstech - What You Wear and Who You Can Meet (14 February 2016)
* More RootsTech Wrap-Up: Photos (14 February 2016)
* More RootsTech 2016 (14 February 2016)
31) Writers on the In-Depth Genealogist blog:
* Attending the FamilySearch Wiki Social at RootsTech by Christine Woodcock (5 February 2016)
* Innovator Summit, Guerilla Marketing and Much More by Terri O'Connell (10 February 2016)
* Interview with Ben Bennett From Find My Past by Shannon Combs Bennett (13 February 2016)
* RootsTech Interview on Ethics in Genealogy by Shannon Combs Bennett (15 February 2016)
* RootsTech Interview: Love Taza by Shannon Combs Bennett (19 February 2016)
* RootsTech Interview with the Genealogy Business Alliance by Shannon Combs Bennett (22 February 2016)
* FGS & the Future of Genealogical Societies by Shannon Combs Bennett (24 February 2016)
* RootsTech Interview With the CanGen Summit Organizers by Shannon Combs Bennett (29 February 2016)
* RootsTech Interview With AJ Jacobs by Shannon Combs Bennett (8 March 2016)
* RootsTech Interview with Allison Dolan and Lisa Louise Cooke (15 March 2016)
32) Louis Kessler on the Behold Genealogy blog:
* RootsTech 2016 Random Thoughts (6 February 2016)
33) Amy Johnson Crow on the Amy Johnson Crow blog:
* Websites and Apps for Local History: The Recap from RootsTech (6 February 2016)
* There’s Room for Everyone in Genealogy: RootsTech 2016 Musing (10 February 2016)
* Do We Still Need Genealogy Societies (16 February 2016)
34) Cheri Passey on the Carolina Girl Genealogy blog:
* RootsTech From My Rocking Chair (5 February 2016)
* RootsTech From My Rocking Chair Part 2 (6 February 2016)\
* RootsTech From My Rocking Chair Part 3 (7 February 2016)
35) Arlene Eakle on Arlene Eakle's Tennessee Blog:
* Live From Roots Tech 2016! (6 February 2016)
36) True A. Lewis on the Notes to Myself blog:
* RootsTech ✔︎List - Calling Card (7 February 2016)
* My RootsTech Journey! February 3rd, 2016 Wednesday - Day 1 (9 February 2016)
* My RootsTech Journey! February 4th, 2016 Thursday - Day 2 (10 February 2016)
* My RootsTech Journey! February 5th, 2016 Friday - Day 3 (11 February 2016)
* My Periscope at RootsTech (12 February 2016)
* My RootsTech Journey! February 5th, 2016 Saturday - Day 4 (13 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016. My True Roots Video Journal (17 February 2016)
* My RootsTech Swag 2016 (1 March 2016)
* RootsTech 2016 ● Oral History Recording. (7 March 2016)
37) Thomas MacEntee on the GeneaPress blog:
* TapGenes Wins First Place of 2016 Innovator Showdown (7 February 2016)
* Advanced Supplier of Family and Organization Image Protection at RootsTech Conference (7 February 2016)\
38) Judy G. Russell on The Legal Genealogist blog:
* Index-a-thon from RootsTech (6 February 2016)
* Introducing TapGenes (7 February 2016)
39) Maureen Taylor on The Photo Detective blog:
* RootsTech 2016 Wrap-Up (7 February 2016)
40) Elizabeth O'Neal on the Little Bytes of Life blog:
* 10 Things I Liked Enough to Share With You: Rootstech ’16 Edition (8 February 2016)
41) Geoff Mulholland on the Mulholland Family History blog:
* My first visit to the Family History Library, Salt Lake City, 30 January, 2016 (31 January 2016)
* RootsTech 2016 - The Mysterious Life of A Record - Family Search Panel (4 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016 Day 1 Wednesday 3 February and Day 2 Thursday 4 February (4 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016 - Photos (6 February 2016)
42) Lynda on the McCollier Heritage blog:
* McCollier Heritage on Tour - Days 2 & 3 (4 February 2016)
* McCollier Heritage on Tour - Day 4 (5 February 2016)
* McCollier Heritage on Tour - Day 5 (6 February 2016)
43) Lilian McGill on the Lilian's Tree blog:
* Research (3 February 2016)
* RootsTech (6 February 2016)
* Catching Up (8 February 2016)
44) Dawn Bingaman on the Ancestor Roundup blog:
* RootsTech 2016 Syllabus Links (5 February 2016)
45) Geoff Rasmussen on the Legacy News blog:
* World's Largest Family Tree Chart - designed by Legacy Family Tree (8 February 2016)
46) Nancy Messier on the My Ancestors and Me blog:
* Getting More From RootsTech When You Can't Be There (2 February 2016)
* A Full Noggin After RootsTech 2016 (7 February 2016)
* About Stories at RootsTech 2016 (8 February 2016)
47) The writer of the Genealogy Now blog:
* Learn from a Master Story Teller- RootsTech Video (6 February 2016)
* RootsTech's 9 Live Streamed Thursday Sessions (8 February 2016)
* Let's Tell Our Stories (9 February 2016)
48) Thomas MacEntee on the Geneabloggers blog:
* MyHeritage RootsTech After-Party Slide Show (8 February 2016)
* pc nametag: That’s Where He Got Those Conference Ribbons! (9 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016 Video Archive (10 February 2016)
49) Diane Haddad on The Genealogy Insider blog:
* Findmypast News From RootsTech: Searchable Irish Catholic Parish Registers and More (9 February 2016)
50) Kitty Cooper on the Kitty Cooper's Blog:
* RootsTech Wrap Up (8 February 2016)
51) Miles Meyer on the Miles' Genealogy Tips blog:
* Welcome Back! A Return From RootsTech 2016 (9 February 2016)
52) Valerie Elkins on the Family Cherished blog:
* What Makes Rootstech So Special? (9 February 2016)
* Rootstech 2016; Not to Be Forgotten (15 February 2016)
53) Esther on the MyHeritage Blog:
* Highlights from RootsTech 2016 (9 February 2016)
* Fun Times at the MyHeritage After-Party! (10 February 2016)
54) Anne Mitchell on the Finding Forgotten Stories blog:
* My Family Married Each Other a Lot and Other Musings from RootsTech (9 February 2016)
55) Jessica Dalley Taylor on the Legacy Tree Genealogists Blog:
* RootsTech and a DNA Contest (4 February 2016)
* Legacy Tree Genealogists at RootsTech 2016: Recap! (9 February 2016)
56) Sunny Morton on Lisa Louise Cooke's Genealogy Gems blog:
* RootsTech 2016 Book Club Contest Has a Winner! (10 February 2016)
57) Carolyn Schott on the Carolyn Schott, Author blog:
* First-Timer Impressions of RootsTech (7 February 2016)
58) Jen Baldwin on the Preserve the Pensions blog:
* Thank You, RootsTech! (11 February 2016)
59) Tony Proctor on the Parallax View blog:
* Evolution and Genealogy (12 February 2016)
60) Carol Rice on the Family Storytelling blog:
* RootsTech: What's All The Fuss About? (12 February 2016)
61) Diana Elder on the Family Locket blog:
* Wrapping up RootsTech 2016 (10 February 2016)
* Source Citations: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (19 February 2016)
62) Peggy Clemens Lauritzen on the Always Anxiously Engaged blog:
* The Best RootsTech Week Ever! (13 February 2016)
63) Kathryn Lake hogan on the Looking4Ancestors blog:
* RootsTech 2016 Recap (14 February 2016)
64) Jill Ball on the Worldwide Genealogy ~ A Genealogical Collaboration blog:
* Late Posting (14 February 2016)
65) Tami Osmer Mize on the Relatively Curious About Genealogy blog:
* GoMemorable.com (15 February 2016)
66) Michelle Goodrum on The Turning of Generations blog:
* RootsTech Final Summary (15 February 2016)
67) ljhlaura on the Branch and Leaf ... A Family History Blog:
* My first visit to RootsTech in Salt Lake City (16 February 2016)
68) Sharn White on the FamilyHistory4u blog:
* Rootstech 16... I made it here..... (3 February 2016)
* A RootsTech16 Message -Seeking Identity and Sharing Our Stories (15 February 2016)
69) Israel Pickholtz on the All My Foreparents blog:
* The Hottest Topic in Genealogy? I Think Not. (17 February 2016)
70) Ruth Blair on The Passionate Genealogist blog:
* The Experiences of a #NOTatRootsTech Attendee (19 February 2016)
71) Devon and Andy Lee on A Patient Genealogist blog:
* RootsTech Review: Through The Eyes of an Unknown Presenter (3 March 2016)
* RootsTech Review: What Were The Best Classes Not Streamed? (4 March 2016)
* RootsTech Review: Audacity the Power of Audio Editing (5 March 2016)
* RootsTech Review: My Heritage After Party (6 March 2016)
72) Julie Cordero on the Oak Grove Genealogy blog:
* RootsTech 2016: Lessons in the Power of Stories (25 February 2016)
* RootsTech 2016: I Survived 26 Classes and Lectures! (27 February 2016)
73) Nicole Dyer on the Family Locket blog:
* Strengthening Children Through Family History: Bruce Feiler’s Tips from RootsTech 2016 (28 March 2016)
Last updated: 30 March 2016, 2:45 p.m. PST
The URL for this post is: http://www.geneamusings.com/2016/02/rootstech-2016-conference-blog.html
Some Aussies have been blogging too Randy: geniaus.blogspot.com, http://researchbylily.blogspot.com/, http://travelgenee.com/, http://mulhollandfamilyhistory.blogspot.com/ and https://mccollierheritage.wordpress.com
I have read some posts by Kirsty Gray on her blog.
Enjoying your blogging .... but are you time-traveling too? ☺ It seems you've arrived at February 14 already.
I am #NotAtRootsTech, but I wrote a brief article that addresses the situation with locating the class syllabi. I have also included a spreadsheet for download with links to about 20 of the various syllabi. http://ancestorroundup.com/rootstech-2016-syllabus-links/
Thanks for this compilation, Randy.
Do you have thoughts on why there seem to be so few blogs regarding the 280+ classes? Was it "just" that the bloggers were preoccupied with the Innovation events, keynoters and the exhibitors?
Thank you all for the links - I have added the ones mentioned.
To Geolover: I think that it is difficult for many bloggers to write a summary of a class while at RootsTech. There is so much going on. The morning is dominated by the Keynote session, then there is a rush to the first classes, then a rush to lunch, then a rush to the afternoon classes. People want to get their money's worth (the registration fee, the hotel room, travel) while also doing the FHL, the sponsored lunches, the evening entertainment and parties, the bar scene. Many love the excitement during the day, and the last thing they want to do is sit on their laptop on spotty hotel wifi and punch out a summary based on erratic handwritten or digital notes. The syllabus info was not easily found on the mobile apps and were not available on paper unless you printed it before you came to RootsTech.
In my case, I didn't go to any RootsTech classes - I went to several Innovator Summit classes. I spent most of my time in the Expo Hall at the Media Hub trying to keep up with the blog compendium, talking to visitors and other blgogers, and venturing out to exhibits during the class times. I am usually bored in classes and don't take great notes. I will see several of the videos of classes I wanted to attend later when they are available.
I do think that there will be quite a few blog posts about individual classes in the coming weeks. That's what happened in years past, as bloggers get home, review their notes and memories, and try to document their experiences.
Maybe the small number of classes for "advanced" genealogists and minimal innovation in that realm were factors.
There really did not seem to be much innovation in the tech realm either: mainly more collations and combinations in storytelling. The Challenge winner has a practical application of existing methods; I am not sure where the meaning of "innovation" applies here.
James Tanner's blog post on the doings at BYU, just before the conference began, seemed to cover more of the newer areas actively being explored (but mostly nowhere near ready-for-prime-time).
I think your outline of time priorities would apply to many of the bloggers who attended the conference.
Hi Randy, thanks for compiling this compendium each year! Here is the url to the article posted on the FamilySearch blog about Steve Rockwood's opening keynote: https://familysearch.org/blog/en/steve-rockwood-rocks-thursday-opening-session-rootstech/ :)
Thanks Randy for compiling the compendium!
I also wanted to mention that I lost at least 4 or 5 of my class notes, as I was using the RootsTech16 android app to record my notes, and I had not realised that the notes were not automatically saving, as the on-screen keyboard was covering over the save button, and of course as soon as I would exit to another screen the notes were lost. I had not realised that this was happening until I was going to start blogging. Anyway, my fault for not checking that the notes were saving properly. If the app designers were to ask for user input on the app design, I would suggest that the save buttons should appear at the top of the screen, and not in the lower half of the screen, which disappears when the on-screen keyboard is invoked. Now if I try to retrieve my notes that were saved the app does not work, I get a message 'RootsTech16 app has stopped' and the app closes, hopefully this problem will be resolved as I have now reported this problem.
Heres another www.carolynschott.com/uncategorized/first-timer-impressions-of-rootstech
Heres another www.carolynschott.com/uncategorized/first-timer-impressions-of-rootstech
Randy, There seems to be a couple missing from the FamilySearch blog. This one never was included: https://familysearch.org/blog/en/steve-rockwood-rocks-thursday-opening-session-rootstech/ & here's another one: https://familysearch.org/blog/en/talk-passion-good-happen/ :)
Thank You So much for including me with all these in one place so I don't miss out visiting! Blog for Day 4 Saturday for me is ready. Much Appreciated!
Hi Randy, there are a couple of posts on FamilyHistory4u
and more to come. Great list Thankyou X
There is another reason why classes are not written about much. Most presenters will not allow someone to blog about the content of their class as it is their livelihood. If the content of their class was posted he/she would not be able to use that same class material again at another venue. Those who have classes streamed or uploaded to YouTube include their consent in the contract.
Hi Randy, I posted about Bruce Feiler's Thursday keynote:
Also, Diana posted about Tom Jones' citation class at RootsTech here:
Thanks for the great compendium. It's so helpful to come back to every once and a while!
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Thanks for this wonderful list. As an Australian first-time ambassador for RootsTech 2017 I am really looking forward to reading through your amazing list of RootsTech 2016 blog posts. Would also love to be able to link your post to my WordPress blog at edenborough.info but I don't know how.
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