The extracted information, from the right-hand page of the above image, includes (with handwritten entries in italics):
To Any Person Authorized to Solemnize Marriages, Greeting:
You are hereby authorized to join in lawful wedlock and to celebrate within this County the rites and ceremonies
of marriage between Severt Leland
of London, Wis.,
Aged 25 years, __ months, __ days Color: white
born at Madison, Wis.
not previously married
son of T.S. Leland
His mother's maiden name was Annie Natvig
And Amelia Brocke
Of Kendrick, Idaho
Aged 19 years, __ months, __ days, Color: white
Born at Kendrick, Idaho
not previously married
Daughter of N. Brocke
Her mother's maiden name was Annie Greaser
and this shall be your good and sufficient warrant therefor.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this 11th
day of Feby , A.D. 1904.
FinlaylucRae District Clerk
by William T. Condon Deputy
County of Lewis and Clarke }
This certifies that the undersigned, a Minister of the Gospel
did, on the 12 day of Feb. A,.D. 1904, at Helena, Mont.
join in lawful wedlock Severt Leland
and Amelia Brocke
with their mutual consent and in accordance with the laws of Mont. and the rules of the
M.E. Church
S.E. Hughes } Witnesses Severt Leland
Jennie V. Smith } Amelia Brocke
R.P. Smith
Filed for record the 1st day of March, A.D. 1904, at 10 o'clock A.M.
FinlaylucRae Clerk
by William T. Condon Deputy
The source citation for this record is:
"Montana County Marriages, 1865–1950", indexed database with digital images, FamilySearch (https//, "Lewis and Clarke County, Vol. H (1903-1908)," page 373 (image 95 of 700), Severt Leland and Amelia Brocke entry.
The Leland family resided in Gardiner, Montana in 1904, and the Brocke family resided in Kendrick, Idaho. I don't know why they married in Helena - perhaps they met and married in a place away from their families.
Severt Oliver Leland (1878-1940) and Amelia Anna Brocke (1884-1975) are my wife's paternal grandparents. They had four children born in Montana between 1904 and 1911, and one born in San Francisco in 1915.
Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver
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They may have knew the minister or just a quick stop on the train.
That's a great find with a nice clear image. When I find a document like this written in a legible hand I want to thank the person who recorded it.
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