The transcription of the records is:
[page 268, left-hand page of first image, halfway down page]
In the Name of god amen The third Day
of June in the year
of our Lord God 1745 I Nathanael
Ambross of Chester in the
Province of New Hamp^r Husbandman being
very ill and weak
in body.
Imprimis I give & bequeath to Lidia
my Dearly beloved wife
the Sum of forty Pounds in Money old
tenor to be paid out of
my Esteat at the end of three years
after my desease: And also
all the household Stuff Moveables, &
creatures, I have that was
hers, that I had with her at Marriage &
sience to be Returnd
[page 269, right-hand page of first image]
to her Immediatly after my Deceas –
Provided she quits all
her Right of thirds in my Esteat in
consideration of sd forty
pounds & Moveables abovementioned.
Item I give unto my beloved son Henry
ambross five
Pounds in Money old tenor to be paid
out of my Esteat at the
end of four years after my Deceas.
Item I give unto my beloved son John
ambross five pounds
in money old tenor to be paid out of my
Esteat at the end of
four years after my deceas.
Item I give unto my beloved Daughter
Elisabeth Batchelder
ten Pounds in Money old tenor to be
paid out of my Esteat at
the end of four years after my Deceas.
Item I give unto my Beloved Daughter
Abigail Prescut ten
Pounds in Money old tenor to be paid
out of my Esteat at the
end of four years after my Deceas.
Item I give unto My three
Grand-Daughters Namely Sarah
veasey, Abigail veasey & Agnes
veasey, to Each of them ten
Pounds in Money old tenor to be paid
out of my Esteat four
years after my Deceas.
Item I give to my beloved son in law
Thomas Veasey of
Stratham in sd Province whom I
constitute Make and ordain
my only and sole Executor of this my
last will and testament
all the Remainder of my Esteat that is
left when my Debts &
abovesaid Legacies are paid as abovesd;
to be by him freely
Possed & injoyed and I do hereby
utterly disallow Revoke &
disanull all & every other former
testimonies wills & legacies
Requests & Executors by me in any
ways before this time Named
Willed & bequeathed Ratifieing &
conferming this & No other
to be my last Will and testament In
Witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand & seal the Day
& year above written.
Signed Sealed Published Pro- his
nounced & Decl^d by the sd Nath^ll Nath^ll X ambross
Ambross as his last Will & testa- mark
ment in Presents of us the Subscribers
[page 270, left-hand page of second image]
Moses Leavit
George Veasey jun^r
Elizebeth X Cotton
[Proved June 26, 1745]
[Inventory, signed by Ebenezer Dearborn
and Samuel Emer-
son: amount £174.9.0; attested Oct.
30, 1745]
[Warrant, June 26, 1745, authorizing
Samuel Emerson and
Ebenezer Dearborn, yeoman, both of
Chester, to appraise the
[Probate Records, Vol. 15, p. 494.]
The source citation for this record is (using the Book > Image Copy (online) template in RootsMagic):
Henry Harrison Metcalf and Otis Grant Hammond, editors, Probate Records of the Province of New Hampshire (Concord, N.H.: Rumney Press, 1915), Vol. 3, 1741-1749, State Papers Series Vol. 33, pages 268-270, Nathanael Ambrose of Chester probate records, 1745; digital images,, ( : accessed 30 April 2017; in "New Hampshire Wills and Probate Records, 1643-1982," All Counties > Vol. 32-34, images 629-630 of 1219; original data from New Hampshire County, District and Probate Courts.
This probate record is from the published volumes of New Hampshire Province probate records which were transcribed from the original wills located in the New Hampshire town and county court records. I found it on in printed form. It is also in book form on library shelves, in digital form on the Internet Archive, and on microfilm at the Family History Library. I don'rt know if the original probate records are still extant or not - I did not see them listed in the FHL Catalog.
Nathanael Ambrose died in June 1745, leaving a (third) wife Lydia and four living children (Henry Ambrose, John Ambrose, Elizabeth Batchelder, and Abigail Prescut, and a son-in-law Thomas Veasey, and three Veasey grandchildren. All of the Ambrose children were from Nathanel's first marriage in 1697 to Sarah Eastman (1674-1728). Thomas Veasey was named as executor and received the remainder of the estate after the legacies, debts and expenses were paid out.
Elizabeth Ambrose (1698-1782) was the oldest child, and she married (1) Sampson Underhill (1692-1732) in 1718, and had four children; Elizabeth married (2) Benjamin Batchelder (1708-1782) in 1742, and they had no recorded children.
Elizabeth Ambrose (1698-1782) is my 7th great-grandmother, through her son John Underhill (1721-1793).
NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver
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