Monday, June 19, 2017

Amanuensis Monday - Deed Records for Shubael Seaver (1640-1730) in Roxbury, Massachusetts - Part 2

This week's document for Amanuensis Monday is from the Suffolk County, Massachusetts deed records for Shubael Seaver (1640-1730) of Roxbury, Massachusetts:

[Volume 49, page 235]

[Volume 49, page 236]

The transcription of this deed record is:

[Volume 49, page 235, bottom half of left-hamd page]

[in left margin] Settlem^t of the Estate of the Heirs of Shubael Seaver

                                                       Whereas our Honoured Father
Shubael Seaver late of Roxbury in the County of Suffolk in New
England Wheelwright Deceased did in an Instrument under his Hand
and Seal duly Executed bearing Date the Third Day of January
1729/30 amongst other things and Uses Order that after his the Said
Seaver's decease his real Estate should be disposed of to and for the
Use of his two Sons Joseph and Shubael Seaver and his three Daugh-
ters Hannah Grigory Abigail Cole and Thankful More them and
their heirs forever part and part alike save only a double part & por-
tion to the said Joseph Seaver to be divided as the Law of the pro-
vince directs and appoints. Agreeable to which we the Subscribers &
Children to the said deceased have mutually agreed and by these
presents do agree to the Settlement of the said Estate as follows viz.

Impr^s. Agreed that our Brother Joseph Seaver shall have and hold all the
Mansion or Dwelling House Messuage & Garden and part of the Orchard
containing about One Acre & an half as now marked out lying in Rox-
bury aforesd bounded South Easterly on the Country Road leading
towards Dedham and North Easterly on Land lately sold to Mr. Davis by
Samuel Gore with the Barn on the other side of the Highway against the said
house and the land thereunto belonging bounded on the said Country Road
Northwesterly and on Land belonging to our Brother Edmund Cole North
Easterly and South Easterly And also the One full half part of the
Salt Marsh lying at a place in said Rox^y called the Island containing
on the whole about Two Acres bounded on the Creek Southerly & Wester-
ly &c. All which to be to him said Joseph Seaver his Heirs & assigns forever.

2ly. Agreed that our sister Hannah Griggory shall have and hold the
remaining Part of the House Lot of Orchard Land containing about
four acres and an half in Roxbury aforesd and Bounded North Easterly
partly on the land aforesd set off to said Joseph Seaver and partly on
Land sold by said Samuel Gore to Mr. Davis South Easterly on the sd
Country Road and partly on George Laucklin's Land and Northwesterly
on Capt Jos^h Mayos Land all which said Land to be to the sd Hannah
Grigory and her Heirs forever.

3ly. Agreed that our Sister Abigail Cole shall have and hold part of the
Pasture Land lying on the said Country Road in Roxbury aforesaid
Northerly and at the further Side of it next to Mr. Abbot's Land called
Whortleberry Hill and bounded Westerly on said Land and to extend
into the said Pasture Land so as to make about five Acres as the same
is now staked out and divided from the Remainder thereof All which
said part of the Pasture Land to be to the said Abigail Cole her Heirs
and Assigns forever Said Land is bound Southerly on Isaac Curtis's

4ly. Agreed that our Brother Shubael Seaver and Sister Thankful
More shall have and hold the remaining part of the said Pasture
Land being about Ten Acres Bounded Northerly on the Said Country Road
and Easterly on Land belonging to the Heirs of William Abbot
Deceased Southerly on Isaac Curtis's Land and Westerly on Land
of Sister Cole the said Ten Acres of Pasture Land to be equally di-
vided between them And to be to them the said Shubael Seaver
and Thankful More and their Heirs forever.

And further it is agreed that our said Brother Shubael Seaver
shall have and hold the One full half being the remaining part
of the Salt Marsh on the Island aforesd in Roxbury and bounded
on the Creek Southerly and Westerly &c to him the said Shubael
Seaver his Heirs and Assigns forever.

And further as Touching and Concerning the personal Estate
out of the good Will and Affection that we bear to our Sister Han-
nah Griggory give the same to her and her Heirs and Assigns
And therefore do further agree to pay all the Debts that do or shall
appear due from our said Father equally between us.  In

[Volume 49, page 236]

Witness whereof we the said Joseph Seaver and Patrick Grigory and
Hannah his wife Edmund Cole and Abigail his Wife Shubael Seaver &
Richard More and Thankful his Wife have hereunto put their Hands
and Seals the thirteenth Day of March in the Third Year of his Ma-
jestie's Reign Annoque Domino 1729/30. Joseph Sever & a seal Pat-
rick 'G' Griggory his mark & a Seal Hannah 'G' Griggory her
mark & a seal Edmund Cole & a Seal Abigail '#' Cole her mark &
a seal Shubael Seaver & a seal Richard More & a seal. Signed Sealed
and Delivered in presence of us Ebenezer Newell Joseph Ruggles
Ebenezer Pierpont. Suffolk Ss Roxbury Apr. 6^th 1730. Joseph Seaver
Hannah Griggory Abigail Cole and Shubael Seaver appearing be-
fore me the subscribers acknowledged this Instrument to be their
Act and Deed John Bowles Justice Pacis. Thankful ## More
her mark and a seal. Thankful More Signed Sealed and Deliver-
ed this Instrument in presence of us witnesses Hezekiah Turner
Edmund Weld jun^r Suffolk Ss Roxbury May 18th 1730 Thankful
More appearing before me the Subscriber acknowledged this Instru-
ment to be her free Act and Deed John Bowles Justice Pacis.
March 12^th 1734 Rec^d & Accordingly Entred & Examined.

                                                                Samuel Gerrish Reg'r.

The source citation for this record is:

"Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, FamilySearch ( : accessed 4 June 2017); Suffolk County, "Deeds, 1733-1734, Vol. 48-49," Volume 49, pages 235-6 (images 590-1 of 613), Settlement of the heirs of the estate of Shubael Seaver, written 18 May 1730, recorded 12 March 1734.

I posted the Indenture that defined all of the real property and Shubael Seaver's desires for which of his six children should have each piece in Amanuensis Monday - Deed Records for Shubael Seaver (1640-1730) in Roxbury, Massachusetts - Part 1.

Shubael Seaver died on 18 January 1729/30 in Roxbury, only two weeks after the first document was written and recorded.   These documents are essentially a probate record put into a land deed record book for some reason.

In the present document, the five sibling heirs of Shubael Seaver agreed to the distribution of the land and signed the document.  

Most researchers would expect to find this present document in a probate record rather than in a land record.  

Shubael Seaver (1640-1730) and his wife Hannah (Wilson) Seaver (1647-1722) are my 8th great-grandparents, through their son Joseph Seaver (1672-1754) who married Mary (Read) Bruce in 1702.


NOTE:  Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent  TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday."  John offers this definition for "amanuensis:" 

"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."

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Copyright (c) 2017, Randall J. Seaver

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