Ebenezer Phillips (1695-1746) is #316 on my Ahnentafel List, my 6th great-grandfather, who married #317 Mary Smith (1698-after 1746) before 1719 in Malden, Massachusetts.
I am descended through:
* their son #158 John Phillips (1722 - about 1800) who married #159 Hannah Brown (abut 1725 - before 1774)
* their daughter #79 Martha Phillips (1764-????) who married #78 Isaac Buck (1757-1846) in 1780.
* their daughter, #39 Sophia Buck (1797-1882 married #38 Thomas J. Newton (ca 178800-????) in about 1834.
* their daughter #19 Sophia Newton (1834-1923) married #18 Edward Hildreth (1831-1899) in 1852.
* their daughter #9 Hattie Louisa Hildreth (1857-1920) married #8 Frank Walton Seaver (1852-1922) in 1874.
* their son #4 Frederick Walton Seaver (1876-1942) married #5 Alma Bessie Richmond (1882-1962) in 1900.
* their son #2 Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983) married #3 Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002) in 1942.
* their son #1 Randall Jeffrey Seaver (1943-living)
1) PERSON (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Name: Ebenezer Phillips[1–12]
* Sex: Male
* Father: Andrew Phillips (1661-1717)
* Mother: Sarah Smith (1661- )
2) INDIVIDUAL EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Birth: 17 August 1695, Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States[1–2]
* Deed: 6 September 1717 (age 22), Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States[3]
* Deed: 6 September 1717 (age 22), Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States[4]
* Deed: 6 September 1717 (age 22), Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States[4]
* Distribution: 17 December 1717 (age 22), father's will proved; Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States[5]
* Deed: 24 May 1721 (age 25), Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States[6]
* Deed: 17 December 1730 (age 35), Stoneham, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States[7]
* Deed: 4 April 1739 (age 43), Stoneham, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States[8]
* Deed: 2 February 1742 (age 46) Stoneham, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States[9]
* Deed: 25 February 1742/3 (age 47), Southborough, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States[10]
* Deed: 3 March 1744 (age 48), Southborough, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States[11]
* Death: before 21 August 1746 (before age 51), Southborough, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States[12]
* Probate: 21 August 1746 (age 51), will proved; Southborough, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States[12]
3) SHARED EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Spouse 1: Mary Smith (1698-after 1746)
* Marriage: before 1719 (before about age 24), probably Malden, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States
* Child 1: Mary Phillips (1719- )
Ebenezer Phillips (1721- )
John Phillips (1722-1800)
Samuel Phillips (1726-1810)
Joanna Phillips (1729-1788)
Ruth Phillips (1733-1746)
4) NOTES (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
Ebenezer Phillips was born on 17 August 1695 in Charlestown, Massachusetts, the second child (of four) and second son of Andrew and Sarah (Smith) Phillips[1-2].
On 6 September 1717, Ebenezer Phillips, yeoman of Charlestown, sold land in Charlestown to David Gould, for 28 pounds currant money. The land was 4 acres of swamp and woodland in Charlestown that was part of John Smith's lot, bounded easterly by Thomas Upham, westerly by Elizabeth Smith, southerly by town land, and northerly by John Vinton. The deed was recorded 10 June 1718[3].
On 6 September 1717, David Gould, yeoman of Charlestown, sold land in Charlestown to Ebenezer Phillips of Charlestown for 18 pounds currant money. The land was two parcels. The first parcel was 4 and a half acres of woodland in Charlestown, bounded westerly by the Thorndicks, northerly by David Gould, easterly by John Lynd and southerly by John Vinton. The second parcel was 10 poles of woodlot in Charlestown, bounded easterly by Thomas Upham, southerly by Thomas Arnall, westerly by the highway. The deed was recorded 19 October 1718[4].
Ebenezer's father, Andrew Phillips, died on 10 December 1717 in Charlestown. He wrote his will on 5 December 1717, and it was proved on 17 December 1717 in the Middlesex Probate Court in Cambridge, Massachusetts[5]. Ebenezer was bequeathed:
"I give to my Well Beloved Son Ebenezer Phillips thirty thre acres of land lying & being in Charlestown Butted & Bounded Northwardly by Peter Hay & Ebenezer Damon, Southwardly by the highway and Andrew Phillips & ye highway Eastwardly by ye land of Henery Phillips, Westwardly by Peter Hay & part of a lot I Bought of Elias Brigden Butted & Bounded Northwardly be ye land of Thomas Miller, Southwardly by ye land of Andrew Phillips, Eastwardly by ye land of Thomas Miller, Westwardly by ye highway And Henery Phillips Togeth with all Timer and Standing lying or Being yt on, to him & to his heirs forever, & one third part of ye moveables upon my place without Doors I alsoe Doe give to my son Ebenezer Phillips. I Doe also will yt my son Ebenezer Doth Cut and Bring to ye house of Sarah my wife five Cords of wood yearly So long as she Remains my Widow. I Doe also Will yt my Son Ebenezer Shall pay to his Brother Andrew Phillips ye Summ of Twenty pounds to Be paid five pounds two years after my Decease & five pounds a year after Sarah My Wives Death yearly till ye Whole Summ of twenty pounds be paid to ye sd Andrew Phillips or his heirs or assigne. Also to pay to my Daughter Johanna Phillips ye Summ of fifty pounds & also to be paid Twenty five pounds at my Decease & ye Cow & ye Rest part of ye fifty pounds, Ten pounds a year yearly after Sarah my Wives Decease till ye Whole Summ of fifty pounds in Mony be paid."
He also named Ebenezer Phillips as his executor, and Ebenezer posted a 500 pound bond on 17 December 1717 with assent from his mother and brothers.
Ebenezer married Mary Smith, daughter of John and Ruth (Cutler) Smith of Malden, before 1719, probably in Malden. There is no marriage record in the town vital records. They had six children born between 1719 and 1733. The first child was recorded in Wakefield, the third child in Charlestown in 1722, and the last three in Stoneham.
On 24 May 1721, Ebenezer Phillips, yeoman of Charlestown, sold land in Charlestown to Daniel Green for 225 pounds currant money. The land was 30 acres of woodland and meadow in Charlestown, bounded westerly by land of Thomas Willard and William Briant, northerly and easterly by land of William Rogers, and southerly by land of Daniel Green. The deed was recorded 1 June 1756[6].
On 17 December 1730, Ebenezer Phillips, yeoman of Stoneham, sold land to James Osgood, clerk of Stoneham, for 225 pounds in passable bills of credit and currant money. The land was two parcels of land in Stoneham. The first parcel was 2 acres of land bounded westerly by land of James Hay, northerly by Phillips land, and easterly and southerly by a highway. The second parcel was 8 acres of land, bounded by stakes and stones, a highway, and land of Phillips and James Hay. The deed was recorded on 10 February 1730/1[7].
On 4 April 1739, Ebenezer Phillips, yeoman of Stoneham, sold land in Stoneham to John May, blacksmith of Stoneham, for 50 pounds of passable bills of public credit. The land was 6 acres of land in Stoneham, bounded southerly by the Range line, westerly by land of Nathaniel Eaton, northerly and westerly by lands of Ebenezer Phillips. The deed was recorded 16 September 1747[8].
On 3 February 1742, Ebenezer Phillips, yeoman of Stoneham, sold land to Daniel Green, Jr., husbandman of Stoneham, for 1,400 pounds of bills of credit old tenor. The land was 83 acres in Stoneham, bounded southerly on land of Peter Hay, Kendall Parker, John Geary, Nathaniel Eaton, John May, Ebenezer Knight and John Cutler, northerly on land of Reverend Osgood, John Souther, Nathaniel Coudry and Daniel Green, and westerly on land of James Hay, Mr. Osgood, John May and the highway from Stoneham to Reading, and easterly by lands of John Souther, Coudry's land, Deacon Green, Thomas Cutler, and Ebenezer Knight. The deed was recorded 18 November 1745[9].
On 25 February 1742/3, Ebenezer Phillips, yeoman of Stoneham, bought land in Southborough from Ephraim Woods, yeoman of Southborough, for 900 pounds old tenor. The land was 138 acres and 49 rods of upland, swamp, pond and meadow, bounded northerly by land of Timothy Johnson, easterly on land of Timothy Johnson and David Johnson, southerly on land of Isaac Newton, John Gold??, John Bellows Jr., and Moses Johnson, and westerly by land of Moses Johnson, Isaac Amsden, common swamp and Isaac Johnson. The deed was recorded in the Worcester County deed register on 20 August 1745[10].
On 3 March 1744, Ebenezer Phillips, yeoman of Southborough, sold land in Southborough to his son, Ebenezer Phillips Jr., for 18 pounds. The land was 40 acres of upland, swamp and meadow, the most northerly portion of his farm bought of Ephraim Woods, bounded northerly by land of Timothy Johnson, westerly by land of Isaac Johnson, southerly by land of Ebenezer Phillips, and easterly by land of Timothy Johnson and David Johnson. The deed was recorded 19 May 1746[11].
Ebenezer Phillips died before his will was proved on 21 August 1746, in Southborough. There is no death record or burial record in Southborough, Massachusetts records.
Ebenezer Phillips of Southborough died testate (with probate papers in Worcester County Probate Packet #46,400) having written a will on 20 November 1745[12]. The will reads:
In the Name of God Amen The Twentieth Day of November 1745. I Ebenezer Phillips of Southborough In the County of Worcester and the Province of the Massachussetts Bay in New England yeoman, Being very Sick and weak in Body but of perfect mind and memory Thanks be Given to God. Therefore Calling to mind the mortality of my Body and Knowing that it is Appointed to all men once to dye, Do make and ordain this my Last will and Testament that is to Say principally And first of all I give and recommend my Soul into the Hands of God that gave it, and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in Decent Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executors, Nothing doubting but at ye General Resurrection I Shall Receive The Same by the mighty power of God, and Touching such Worldly Estate Wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me In this Life, I Give Dismise & Dispose of the Same in the Following manner & form. Imprimis I give and Bequeath to ^Mary^ my well beloved wife all my moveables within Doors Except One feather Bed partly filled, Likewise three Cows ^and one mare^. Likewise One third of all the Improvements I give to my Son Samuel Here after mentioned. I give to Mary my wife all the East part of my now Dwelling House with a Cellar Under the same ^Dureing her Natural Life & no Longer.^
Item I Give to my son Ebenezer So much ^Land^ as it will Take to Straiten a Line that runs between my House and his Where the Gate Now is and So westward to a Stake Down by the Swamp and From thence to a Ditch in the medow and then runing northward To his Former bound. I also give and Bequeath to my Ebenezer One acre of Ash Swamp Lying before Ebenezer Duntons house as he and my Son Samuel Shall see Cause to Lay it out and the Reason why I Give him no more ^now^ is be cause I have given him his Portion before by a Deed of sale. Item I Give to my son John Phillips thirty Four acres ^of Land^ be it more or Less being the Southeast Part of my farm bounded Easterly by David Johnson till it comes to a corner of an old Hedge which corner is to be The North east Corner of the Sd Land I give and Bequeath To my Son John and then Turning Westerly to a Stake and Stone and so Runing Westerly Till it Comes to a Dead Bodyed White Oake and from Thence Westerly to a Large Topt White Oake From thence to another White oake now Standing by the old Field bars it being y^t Northwest Corner of the said Land I Give and Bequeath to my Son John, and from thence Runing Southerly as The Field Fence runs to the End of the field and now Turning Easterly to a mark Tree and so Runing Easterly Till it Comes to The first mentioned bounds, This South Line bounds partly upon Common Land and partly upon John ^Goulds^ Land and partly upon Isaac Newtons Land To have and to hold the said premisses with all the appurtenances Priviledges and Commodities to the same Belonging or in any wise Appertaining To him the Said John Phillips his Hiers and Assigns Forever, to his and their proper Use Benefit and behoof forever. Also I give & bequeath unto my son John one piece of medow Containing about three acres be it more or Less Bounded as follows, Easterly upon my Land by a maple Stump and a pole and then Turning to the Ditch and Runing as the Ditch Runs Till it comes to the North Shore bounded Northerly upon upland and Westerly upon Common Swampland and Southerly upon my own Land, with Leaberty to pass and Repass with a Team from his own place to the medow for Carting of Hay also two Acres and a half more of Land Bounding Westerly upon Ebenezer Dunton Land and the North Line is to Extend four Rods north from a Stump That is a Mark between said Duntons Land and my own, this Line is to Extend Southerly Twenty five rods and then Turning & Runing Easterly Sixteen rods and then Turning and Runing northerly Twenty five Rods and then Turning and ^runing^ Westerly Sixteen rods. Which Land I Give and bequeath unto my son John, only Reserving half the mine Therein. Also I Give and Bequeath unto my son John a strip six rods in wedth from the oake that Stands by y^e old Field Bars to the last mentioned Land only reserving Leaberty to pass and repass over it to my Field.
"Item I Give and Bequeath unto my son Samuel my House and Barn And plough Land mowing Ground and pasture Land and Orcharding also all my Wood land To him Self his Hiers and Assigns For Ever to have and to hold the Said premises with all y^e Appurtenances and Commodities to the same belonging or in way and appertaining to him The said Samuel Phillips His Hiers and Assigns forever. The Last mentioned Land which I Give and Bequeath To my Son Samuel is Bounded as Follows y^t is Easterly Upon David Johnsons Northerly upon Ebenezer Phillips Jun^-r Westerly ^upon^ Isaac Amsdens Land partly and partly upon Ebenezer Duntons Land Southerly upon John Phillips Land Likewise another peice of Land lying South of John Phillips Land Bounded Northerly upon John Phillips and Westerly upon Ebenezer Duntons and Southerly by Moses Johnson and Easterly by other Lands. Also I Give and bequeath unto my son Samuel one yoke of Oxen and one Cow & two Stear Calves also I Do Give unto Samuel all my moveables without Doors as oxen Plough Chains hoes Except half my Small Cart which I Give Ebenezer.
Item I Ordain and appoint that my son Samuel shall pay to his Sister Mary Nickols one Hundred and Twenty ^pounds^ old Tenner Bills of Credit and Two Cows one half thereof to be paid and one Cow to be Delivered when he Takes possion of the Lands I have Given him and the Other part to be paid at his Mothers Death and the other Cow To be Delivered at ye same Time. Also I Do give and Bequeath to my Daughter Mary one heifer.
Item I Do Give Unto my Well Beloved Daughter Joannah Phillips one Hundred and Twenty pounds old Tenner Bills of Credit to be Raised and paid by Samuel Phillips my Son And Two cows to be Delivered unto her by him. I Do will that He Shall pay one Half thereof unto his sister Joannah when He Takes possion of What I have given and bequeath unto him and One Cow to be Delivered unto her at the same Time and the other Half to be paid at y^e Death of his Mother and the second Cow to be Delivered unto her att the Same Time. Item I Give and bequeath to my Daughter Joannah one heifer.
Item I Do give and bequeath unto my son Samuel and My Dearly Beloved wife Mary these two Whom I Do Constitute make and ordain my sole Executor And Executrix of this my Last will and Testament all the Debts that Are due from several persons unto me and that is Due for keeping Ambrous and also that will be Due for keeping Ambrous also I Do Give them full powers to act as to paying out money And Receiving of Money and To pursue To final Judgment And I Do hereby Utterly dissallow Revoke and Disanull All & Every other former Testament will Legacies and Bequests and Executors by me in any ways before named Willed and Bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this and no other To be My Last Will and Testament. In Wittness Whereof I have Hereunto set my hand and seal the Day and year above Written.
Signed Sealed & published pronounced and Declared
By me y^e said Ebenezer Phillips as my Last Will and Testament
In the presence of us the Subscribers
Jonathan Ward
Nathanael Webb Ebenizer Phillips
John Lyscom
The will was proved at a Court in Worcester on 21 August 1746, with Jonathan Ward and John Lyscom appearing and making oath that they saw Ebenezer Phillips sign, seal and heard him publish, pronounce and declare it to be his last will and testament, and that he was of sound and disposing mind and memory.
1. Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988, digital images, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com), "Charlestown Archives, Births, Marriages, Deaths," page 111 (image 116 of 385), Ebenezer Phillips birth record.
2. Roger D. Joslyn, Vital Records of Charlestown, Massachusetts to 1850 (Boston, Mass. : New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1984), 3 Volumes, Volume 1, page 175, Ebenezer Phillips birth entry.
3. "Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org : accessed 3 May 2018), Middlesex County, Volume 20, page 125 (image 114 of 415), Ebenezer Phillips to David Gould, Charlestown, 1717.
4. "Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, FamilySearch, Middlesex County, Volume 19, page 230 (image 485 of 605), David Gould to Ebenezer Phillips, Charlestown, 1717.
5. "Probate Records 1648-1924 (Middlesex County, Massachusetts)," 886 FHL US/CAN Microfilms, Probate Packet Packet #17,297, Andrew Phillips of Charlestown, 1717, accessed on FHL US/CAN Microfilm 0,421,489.
6. "Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, FamilySearch, Middlesex County, Volume 54, page 433 (image 224 of 672), Ebenezer Phillips to Daniel Green, Charlestown, 1721.
7. "Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, FamilySearch, Middlesex County, Volume 31, page 293 (image 151 of 282), Ebenezer Phillips to James Osgood, Stoneham, 1730.
8. "Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, FamilySearch, Middlesex County, Volume 46, page 342 (image 570 of 725), Ebenezer Phillips to John May, Stoneham, 1739.
9. "Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, FamilySearch, Middlesex County, Volume 45, page 232 (image 132 of 725), Ebenezer Phillips to Daniel Phillips Jr., Stoneham, 1742.
10. "Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, FamilySearch, Worcester County, Volume 20, page 317 (image 473 of 598), Ephraim Woods to Ebenezer Phillips, Southborough, 1743.
11. "Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, FamilySearch, Worcester County, Volume 21, Pages 151-2 (images 94-5 for 601), Ebenezer Phillips to Ebenezer Phillips Jr. in Southborough, 1744.
12. Massachusetts, Worcester County, Probate Files, 1731-1925, Packet 46 400, Ebenezer Phillips of Southborough, 1746 (11 images); digital images, FamilySearch.org, (https://familysearch.org : accessed 22 April 2018); citing original records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives, with digitized mages provided by FamilySearch.org.
2. Roger D. Joslyn, Vital Records of Charlestown, Massachusetts to 1850 (Boston, Mass. : New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1984), 3 Volumes, Volume 1, page 175, Ebenezer Phillips birth entry.
3. "Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org : accessed 3 May 2018), Middlesex County, Volume 20, page 125 (image 114 of 415), Ebenezer Phillips to David Gould, Charlestown, 1717.
4. "Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, FamilySearch, Middlesex County, Volume 19, page 230 (image 485 of 605), David Gould to Ebenezer Phillips, Charlestown, 1717.
5. "Probate Records 1648-1924 (Middlesex County, Massachusetts)," 886 FHL US/CAN Microfilms, Probate Packet Packet #17,297, Andrew Phillips of Charlestown, 1717, accessed on FHL US/CAN Microfilm 0,421,489.
6. "Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, FamilySearch, Middlesex County, Volume 54, page 433 (image 224 of 672), Ebenezer Phillips to Daniel Green, Charlestown, 1721.
7. "Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, FamilySearch, Middlesex County, Volume 31, page 293 (image 151 of 282), Ebenezer Phillips to James Osgood, Stoneham, 1730.
8. "Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, FamilySearch, Middlesex County, Volume 46, page 342 (image 570 of 725), Ebenezer Phillips to John May, Stoneham, 1739.
9. "Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, FamilySearch, Middlesex County, Volume 45, page 232 (image 132 of 725), Ebenezer Phillips to Daniel Phillips Jr., Stoneham, 1742.
10. "Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, FamilySearch, Worcester County, Volume 20, page 317 (image 473 of 598), Ephraim Woods to Ebenezer Phillips, Southborough, 1743.
11. "Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, FamilySearch, Worcester County, Volume 21, Pages 151-2 (images 94-5 for 601), Ebenezer Phillips to Ebenezer Phillips Jr. in Southborough, 1744.
12. Massachusetts, Worcester County, Probate Files, 1731-1925, Packet 46 400, Ebenezer Phillips of Southborough, 1746 (11 images); digital images, FamilySearch.org, (https://familysearch.org : accessed 22 April 2018); citing original records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives, with digitized mages provided by FamilySearch.org.
52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks on the No Story Too Small blog. I have extended this theme in 2018 to 260 Ancestors in 260 Weeks.
The URL for this post is: https://www.geneamusings.com/2018/05/52-ancestors-week-225-316-ebenezer_4.html
Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver
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