"American AncesTREES is a new, FREE online family tree experience for American Ancestors members. Members can create a tree from scratch, import an existing family tree, get hints to "grow" trees, and use social media features to share trees with friends and family. Higher-level plans with additional features such as DNA tools are available at a low cost. Make sure you're logged into our site and get started today! "
You can't keep me away from a family tree site, and I am an NEHGS/AmericanAncestors member, so I immediately decided to add my content to it.
1) So I clicked on the link to "Get started today." First, I logged into my AmericanAncestors account and saw:
2) Further down the screen is the list of three plans - a Standard Tree (free), an Advanced Tree ($19.95/year), and a Premium Tree ($34.95/year):
The three tree plans provide different features. The DNA Tools and Private Tree options require a Premium plan.
3) Further down the page, there is a set of "Frequently Asked Questions:"
4) I'm ready to start! I went back up the page to the gold "Access AncesTREES" button on the first screen above. That opened a Welcome screen, and I chose a username and clicked on the two buttons to agree to the Terms of Use, Privacy policy, and the weekly newsletter:
I clicked the gold "GO" button and saw the "Create Your Tree" page:
I chose a creative name for my tree ("Randy Seaver's AncesTree") and decided I would "Import a GEDCOM file" (the other two options are to "Start with an empty tree" and "Import people from FamilySearch." My guess is that if I start with an empty tree, that I will have to enter profiles one at a time by hand.
I clicked on the gold "GO" button and saw:
On this screen, I can "Import a GEDCOM" file to populate my AncesTree. I have to "Choose File" and then identify the Root person of the tree.
There is a note - "GEDCOMs up to 75,000 people and up to 75 Mb are supported."
5) My RootsMagic tree is around 52,000 persons and I don't know how many Mb, so I will stop here and make a GEDCOM file from my RootsMagic file.
This report will continue in a separate post after I work with my GEDCOM file.
Disclosure: I am a longtime annual subscriber (1992?) of NEHGS/AmericanAncestors, and have received no material considerations from them ever.
The URL for this post is: https://www.geneamusings.com/2019/01/americanancestors-introduces.html
Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver
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Please comment on this post on the website by clicking the URL above and then the "Comments" link at the bottom of each post. Share it on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Pinterest using the icons below. Or contact me by email at randy.seaver@gmail.com.
I am quite interested in this new feature. I have been an off and on member of NEHGS over the years. I haven’t always found their records useful so I don’t always renew. But, this has me intrigued. Thanks Randy.
How do I find your tree on AncesTrees?
Is the only way to find other trees to be invited?
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