Monday, January 14, 2019

Monday Genea-Pourri - 14 January 2019

Here is a summary of my family history and genealogy related activities over the past two weeks:

1)  Moderated the CVGS Research Group meeting on Wednesday with 16 in attendance.  I highlighted  Finding Your Roots on Tuesdays, Genealogy website rankings and benchmarks, DNA match AutoCluster tool, my 10 Best research finds of 2018, and the RootsTech 2019 livestreaming opportunities.  The attendees shared their activities over the past two months.

2)  Attended the SDGS Winter Seminar on Saturday with Curt Witcher, who talked about Doing Effective Research in Libraries, Mining Periodical Literature, Using Government Documents, and Best Practices for the Internet.  I left after the third talk because I needed a nap.

3)  Transcribed another deed for Amanuensis Monday - 1798 Deed of Isaac Kidder to Zachariah Hildreth in Townsend, Mass.  I have several more to do in this series.

4)  Watched one Family Tree Webinar this past week - A Nose for News: 20+ Tips for Getting the Most Out of Newspapers, by Mary Kircher Roddy.

5)  Ran the Genetic Affairs AutoCluster for my 23andMe matches and received no results - apparently there weren't enough people for a cluster.  Wrote a blog post about the process - see Using to Create DNA Match AutoClusters - Part I.

6)  Created a spreadsheet for my AncestryDNA AutoCluster analysis, and sorted it by cluster and shared cM.  Then I added a column for known relationships and known common ancestors. 

7) There were several sessions working in the RootsMagic software program to update FamilySearch Family Tree profiles for Seaver families and other ancestral families, with occasional additions to the RootsMagic profiles. I have matched 28,672 of my RM persons with FSFT.  I continue to use Web Hints from Ancestry, MyHeritage, Findmypast and FamilySearch to add content and sources to my RootsMagic profiles.  I now have 52,078 persons in my RootsMagic file, and 100,082 source citations.   I TreeShared two times during the last week (about 200 profiles), and resolved about 500 Ancestry Hints.  I've fallen behind on the Ancestry Record Hints with 90,777 waiting to be resolved, but I work on them weekly.

8)  I decided to cover the DNA statistics monthly rather than weekly in my Genea-Pourri post.

9) Wrote 17 Genea-Musings blog posts last week, of which two were press releases.  The most popular post last week was Genealogy News Bytes - 11 January 2019 with over 230 views.  


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Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver

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