Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Betty and Fred With Grandchildren in About 1980 -- Post 576 of (Not So) Wordless Wednesday

I can't help it, I can't do a wordless post!  I found some more family photos hiding in my voluminous My Pictures file folder - I don't think I've posted this one yet:

This is such a wonderful photograph hiding in this file folder.

These are my parents with their four grandchildren in about 1980.  In the back are Betty (Carringer Seaver (about age 61) and Frederick W. Seaver (about age 69).  The children from the left are Lori (my daughter age 6), Lisa (Scott's daughter age 2), Molly (Stan's daughter age 4) and Tami (my daughter age 4).  

I don't know where this photo was taken.  I'm sure it wasn't at our house.  I think it may have been at my parents house in Point Loma.

I can almost read my mother's mind here - "these are my descendants, what does life have in store for them?"  She looks proud and serene and introspective, doesn't she?


Copyright (c) 2019, Randall J. Seaver

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great picture! It looks like the Point Loma house out back, as I remember it.