Thursday, February 13, 2020

Seavers in the News -- Philip H. Seaver Dies in 1920 in Rutland, Vermont

It's time for another edition of "Seavers in the News" - a weekly feature from the historical newspapers about persons with the surname Seaver that are interesting, useful, mysterious, fun, macabre, or add information to my family tree database.

This week's entry is from the Rutland [Vt.] Daily Herald newspaper dated 22 March 1920:

The transcription of the article is:

"Impressive Services for Philip H. Seaver
Knights Templar Act as Escort, Past Commanders Serve as Bearers
"Funeral services for Philip H. Seaver, who died Wednesday morning at his home, 9 West-street, were held Saturday.  Prayers were said at the house at noon by Rev. George A. Buttrick, pastor of the Confregational church, and the body, escorted by large delegations from Killington commandery, No. 6, Knights Templar and other Masonic societies of which Mr. Seaver was a member, was taken to the Masonic temple where it lay in state from 1 until 2 o'clock when services were held under the direction of  Killington commandery with Rev. Mr. Buttrick officiating.

"The services in the temple which were very impressive were attended by a large number of relatives, friends, lodge members and former business associates.  A detail from the commandery stood guard over the body, and the following Past Commanders acted as bearers:  Thomas P. Bragg, J.R. Temple, W.E. Fanning, Cola J. Cleveland, Charles A. Matthews and George M. Hascall.  Following the services the body was taken to Evergreen cemetery where services under the direction of the commandery and Rev. Mr. Buttrick were held.

"There were a large number of floral tributes, an extra vehicle being required to carry them to the cemetery.  among them were set pieces from the United States Grain corporation, New York flour department of the U.S. Grain corporation, Killington commandery, Davenport chapter, No. 17, Royal Arch Masons, the deacons of the Congregational church, the Lincoln iron work, 
and numerous other tributes from relatives, friends, and former business associates.

"  Among those from out of the city who attended the funeral were:  Mrs. Flora Melanson of New Brunswick, Can., Robert Seaver of Quechee, James P. Seaver, Fred O. Seaver, and John F. Seaver of New York, Frank S. Seaver and son Blake Seaver of Springrfield, Mass., and Mr. and Mrs. James L. Davis and Rebecca Davis of Manchester."

The source citation is:

"Impressive Services for Philip H. SeaverRutland [Vt.] Daily Herald newspaper, obituary, Monday, 22 March 1920, page 12, column 5, Philip H.  Seaver   ( : accessed 13 February 2020).

Note that this obituary does not name his parents, his spouse (if any), nor any children, and says nothing about his education or business career.  According to the obituary, he died Wednesday, 17 March 1920 in Rutland, Vermont.

I had Philip H. Seaver in my RootsMagic family tree database.  Philip Henry Seaver was born 14 September 1869 in Hartford, Vermont, the son of Richard Adam and Eliza Maria (Barber) Seaver.  He married, first, Christine Marion Cook (1867-1898) in 1891, and second, Sarah Ann Barclay (1865-1930) in 1899.   There were no children from his two marriages.

Most of the family members mentioned in the obituary that attended the services were his siblings:

*  Frank Richard Seaver (1864-1951), and his son Blake Allen Seaver (1895-1976).
*  Fred Owen Seaver (1867-1946)
*  Robert William Seaver (1873-1953)
*  James Thatcher Seaver (1875-1960)
*  John Elliott Seaver (1880-1940)
*  Margaret Eveline (Seaver) Davis 1871-1926), her husband James Lyford Davis (1870-1955), and their daughter Rebecca Margaret Davis (1907-2002).

Mrs. Flora Melanson of New Brunswick may be a sister of Sarah (Barclay) Seaver.

Philip Henry Seaver (1869-1920) is my 6th cousin 3 times removed.  

There are over 8,000 Seaver "stories" in my family tree - this was one of them.   Life happens, accidentally and intentionally, and sometimes a person doesn't have any descendants.  I am glad that I can honor Philip Henry Seaver today.


Disclosure:  I have a complimentary subscription to and have used it extensively to find articles about my ancestral and one-name families.

Copyright (c) 2020, Randall J. Seaver

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