Friday, February 14, 2020

52 Ancestors - Week 317: #528 Simon Gates (1667-1752) of Stow, Massachusetts

Simon Gates (1667-1752) is number 528 on my Ahnentafel List, my 7th great-grandfather, who married #529 Hannah Benjamin (1669-after 1752) in 1688 in Stow, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.

I am descended through:

*  their son #264 Amos Gates (1706-1783), who married #265 Mary Hubbard (1712-1754)  in 1732.
*  their son #132 Simon Gates (1739-1803) who married #133 Susannah Reed (1745-1833) in 1766.
*  their son #66 Nathan Gates (1767-1830) who married #67 Abigail Knowlton (1774-1855) in 1790.
*  their daughter, #33 Abigail Gates (1797-1867) who married  #32 Benjamin Seaver (1791-1825)  in 1817.
*  their son #16 Isaac Seaver (1823-1901) who married #17 Lucretia Townsend Smith (1828-1884) in 1851.
*  their son #8 Frank Walton Seaver (1852-1922) who married #9 Hattie Louisa Hildreth (1857-1920) in 1874.
*  their son #4 Frederick Walton Seaver (1876-1942) who married #5 Alma Bessie Richmond (1882-1962) in 1900.
*  their son #2 Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983) who married #3 Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002)  in 1942.
*  their son #1 Randall Jeffrey Seaver (1943-living)


1)  PERSON (with source citations as indicated in brackets):

*   Name:                         Simon Gates[1–4]    

*  Sex:                             Male    

*  Father:                        Stephen Gates (1634-1707)    
*  Mother:                      Sarah Woodward (1643-1706)  
2)  INDIVIDUAL EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):

*  Birth:                         5 June 1667, Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States[1–2]    

*  Distribution:             15 September 1707 (age 40), father's will proved; Stow, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States[3]    

*  Will:                         22 July 1743 (age 76), will written, Stow, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States[4]    

*  Death:                       before 9 March 1752 (before age 84), Stow, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States[4]    

*  Probate:                  22 June 1752 (age 85), will proved; Stow, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States[4]  

3)  SHARED EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):

*   Spouse 1:               Hannah Benjamin (1668-1752)    
*  Marriage 1:             4 May 1688 (age 20), Stow, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States[1]    

*  Child 1:                  Hannah Gates (1689-????)    
*  Child 2:                  Joseph Gates (1691-1748)    
*  Child 3:                  Simon Gates (1693-1736)    
*  Child 4:                  Mary Gates (1695-1741)    
*  Child 5:                  Elizabeth Gates (1701-1741)    
*  Child 6:                  Israel Gates (1703-1726)    
*  Child 7:                  Benjamin Gates (1704-1758)    
*  Child 8:                  Elisha Gates (1705-1762)    
*  Child 9:                 Amos Gates (1706-1783)    
*  Child 10:               Susannah Gates (1709-1748)  

4)  NOTES (with source citations as indicated in brackets):  
The best Gates genealogy is the New England Historical and Genealogical Register article by Clarence Almond Torrey, "Stephen Gates and Some of His Descendants," New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 120, pages 161-170 (July 1966), 261-271 (October 1966).  Simon Gates (1667-1752) is #6 in this article[1].

Simon Gates was born 5 June 1667 in Cambridge, Massachusetts Bay Colony, the son of Stephen and Sarah (Woodward) Gates[1-2].  The birth record in the Cambridge town record says[2]:
"[GATES] Simon, s. of Steeven and Sarah, June 5, 1666-7."
The Stephen Gates family moved to Marlborough by 1679 and to Stow, Massachusetts by 1685, and Simon Gates married Hannah Benjamin on 4 May 1688.  The marriage record in the NEHGR article says that Simon Gates of Stow married Hannah Benjamin on 4 May 1688 in Stow or Marlborough, by Rev. William Brinsmead of Marlborough[1].  

Simon and Hannah (Benjamin) Gates had ten children, all born in Stow, but only two were recorded there.  They were[1]:

*  Hannah Gates (1689-????), married about 1710 Oliver Heald (1685-1755).
*  Joseph Gates (1691-1748), married 1728 Prudence Hamlin (1692-????).
*  Simon Gates (1693-1736).
*  Mary Gates (1695-1741), married 1720 Joseph Haynes (1687-1775).
*  Elizabeth Gates (1701-1741), married 1722 Thomas Wheeler (1697-1756).
*  Israel Gates (1703-1726).
*  Benjamin Gates (1704-1758), married 1727 Bethulia Rice (1704-????).
*  Elisha Gates (1705-1762), married 1735 Mary Gates (1717-????).
*  Amos Gates (1706-1783), married (1) 1732 Mary Hubbard (1712-1754); (2) Deborah Thayer (1732-1822).
*  Susannah Gates (1709-1748), married 1733 John Fitch (1708-1795).

His father, Stephen Gates, died 9 July 1707 in Stow, and his will was proved 15 September 1707[3].  Simon Gates received a one sixth portion of his father's 300 acres homestead farm in Stow, which was to be located on the outside of the estate next to his eldest brother Stephen Gates portion.

During his lifetime, Simon Gates bought and sold other parcels of land in Stow.  He deeded some of the land to his sons, and other land he bequeathed to them.

Simon Gates died before 9 March 1752 in Stow[4].  There is no known burial location.

The will of Simon Gates, yeoman of Stow, was written and dated 22 July 1743, with a codicil added on 25 May 1747, was filed for probate in Middlesex County, Massachusetts by his son, Amos Gates, on 9 March 1752 and was proved 22 June 1752[4].

The will reads (transcribed from Middlesex County Probate Records, Packet #8,994)[4]:
"In the Name of God Amen this twenty second day of July Anno domini one thousand seven hundred and fourty three.  I Simon Gates of Stow in the County of Middx in the Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England yeoman being far advanced in years but injoying my reason and understanding and in a good measure my memory thro' the goodness of God to me and the state of my worldly affairs requiring it do make and ordain this to be my Last Will and Testament, that is to say Principally and first of all I surrender my soul to God that gave it, hoping in his mercy thro' ye merits of the Redeemer and my body I recommend to ye Earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at ye expence and care of my execr hereafter named, believing ye Resurrection and the Power of God.  And as touching such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bless me give, devise and dispose of the same in ye following manner.
"Imprimus, I give to Hannah my beloved wife (before ye provision I have made for her by covenant with two of my sons) my whole estate for life by her to be used and injoyed ... of Life and after her death my will is that it be disposed of in ye following manner.
"2.  I give to my two eldest sons viz. Joseph Gates and Benjamin Gates all my wearing cloaths besides their deeds of gift.
"3.  I give to my son Elisha Gates one set of cast irons besides his deed of gift.
"4.  I give to my son Amos Gates (....) one set of cast irons allso I give to my said son Amos that parcel of land yt is called ye pasture joyning to the farm on wch I now live containing by estimation twelve acres be the same more or less both within ye fence and without it obliging him on confirmation thereof to give to me & my wife a decent Christian burial when we shall dye and as to my own burial I so far direct as to say yt my sd son shall give to my three surviving daughters viz. Hannah Heald, Mary Hains & Susanna Fitch mourning aparel that is robe gowns of Norwich ... of black and white ... crape as it is commonly called suitable in price and goodness for people of their fashion together with decent black gloves and vales and to each of my three sons decent black gloves & ...  My will further is that my sd son amos Gates shall pay to ye children of my daughter Elizabeth Wheler deceased in money as much as it shall cost him to ... either of daughters abovesd in mourning as above; that is to say to all of my grand children as much as one of my said daughters.
"5.  I give to my three daughters above named and the children of said deceased daughter all my household goods to be divided in equal shares allso one cow each my sd grandchildren to make one share as their mother...
"6.  I give to my daughter Susanna Fitch eight pounds fifteen shillings lawfull money to be payd her out of my personal estate allso that parcel of division land in Stow abovesd that lyeth on Thettly Plain so called on both sides of Lancaster ... adjoyning southwardly on Thomas Wetherbee ye bounds of which are to be seen in the ... plans containing ... the number of ten or twelve acres.
"Lastly, my Will is yt all my bonds and bills and cash with all that money a bill that is otherways lawfully due to me be divided equally among the persons hereafter named, viz. my sons Joseph Gates & Benjamin Gates & my daughters Hannah Heald Mary Haynes & Susanna Fitch and the children of my daughter Elizabeth Wheler deceased, they to make one share, and I give further to my son Amos Gates all my rights in the common land in said Stow and my whole property in sd Stow commons and I do hereby appoint my said son Amos Gates the sole executor of this my Last Will & Testament and revoking all other wills by me at any time made & constitute ordain & appoint this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament.
"Signed sealed published pronounced & declared by him ye said Simon Gates to be his last will & testament in presence of us the subscribers,  John Gardner, Mary Gardner, Mary Gardner, Junr.
"Memorandum before signing & sealing my will & it is hereby declared that ye riding horse & plows that I shall be possessed of at my death be given to my two eldest sons viz. Joseph Gates & Benjamin Gates. And that my son Elisha Gates shall be forth coming of ye cows above bequeathed in ...(3 words)... being given to persons to whom it is above given and my son Amos Gates shall pasture ye ...(4 words)...each of them ...(4 words)... to my children ...(2 words)... I hereby give and declare that no inventory may be taken of it.
                                   his                     Simon    X   Gates                               mark"
The codicil reads:
"Be it known unto all men by these presents that whereas I simon Gates of Stow in the county of Middx in the Province of Massachusets Bay yeoman have made and declared my last will and testament bearing date of second day of July Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and fourty and three on ye other side of this paper I the sd Simon Gates by this present codicil do ratifye and confirm ye same as to sd substance of it but as to two charges in same I make some small alteration, first as to the fourth claus wheras I have given to my son Amos Gates a pasture so called as may be seen his charge I do ratifye sd gifts but as to my own and wifes funeral I direct as follows that my said son Amos Gates shall pay twenty pounds at my death all to be laid out ... my funeral at ye discretion of my sd son I allso give to my sd son the bond yt was given me by James Curlye and all that is due by virtue of sd bond and to my son Elisha Gates I give all that is due to me from Fothergill of Boston & my will and  meaning is that this codicil be adjudged a part of my Last Will and Testament and that every thing in it be attended accordingly, witness my hand and seal this twenty fifth day of May Anno domini 1747.
"In presence of John Gardner, Mary Gardner, Mary Gardner Junr.
                            his              Simon    X   Gates                          mark"
On 22 June 1752, the will was proved in Middlesex County Probate Court, and executor Amos Gates was directed to exhibit an inventory of the estate of the deceased according to law. On the same day, Deliverance Brown, Samuel Gates and Joseph Brown, all of Stow, were appointed and empowered to take the inventory of the estate of Mr. Simon Gates, late of Stow[4].

The inventory of the estate of Simon Gates was presented by Amos Gates to the three apprisers on 10 January 1753.  The land that was given to Susannah Fitch was apprised at 72 pounds, the pasture and land adjoining to the farm that was given to Amos Gates was apprised at 100 pounds, money and bonds and notes were apprised at 215 pounds, 6 shillings, 1 pence, a cow was apprised at 20 pounds, and various and sundry items of furniture, kitchen ware, household goods, wearing apparel, etc. was listed.  A total was not written down.  Amos Gates exhibited the inventory on oath to the court on 5 May 1755, and it was accepted by the court[4].

1. Clarence Almon Torrey, "Stephen Gates and Some of His Descendants," New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 120, pages 161-170 (July 1966), 261-271 (October 1966), Volume 120, page 166, #6 Simon Gates sketch.

2. Thomas W. Baldwin (compiler), Vital Records of Cambridge, Massachusetts to the Year 1850 (Boston, Mass. : New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1915), Births, page 284, Simon Gates entry, 1667.

3. "Probate Records 1648-1924 (Middlesex County, Massachusetts),"  Family History Library (Salt Lake City, Utah), on 886 FHL US/CAN Microfilms, Probate Packet #8,996, Stephen Gates of Stow estate, 1707, accessed on FHL Microfilm 0,397,071.

4. "Middlesex County, MA: Probate Papers, 1648-1871," digital image, American Ancestors ( : accessed 26 November 2015), Probate Packet 8,994 (10 images), Simon Gates of Stow estate, 1752.


NOTE:  In 2014, Amy Johnson Crow suggested a weekly blog theme of "52 Ancestors" in her blog post  52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks on the No Story Too Small blog.  I have extended this theme in 2020 for a seventh year to 364 Ancestors in 364 Weeks.  The list of 52 Ancestors biographies from my great-grandparents to the 7th great-grandparents is in

Copyright (c) 2020, Randall J. Seaver

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