The treasure today is the 1689 birth record of Huldah Blogget in the Woburn, Massachusetts town vital record book:
The birth record for Huldah Blogget is the 11th entry in the Blogget list:
This record says:
""[BLOGGET] Huldah, d. of Samuel and Huldah, Feb. 9, 1689."
The source citation for this record is:
Edward F. Johnson, Woburn Records of Births, Marriages and Deaths [5 Volumes], (Woburn, Mass.: The News Print, 1893), Volume 1, Births, page 224, Huldah Blogget entry, 9 February 1689.
This record is a Derivative Source with Primary Information and Direct Evidence of the name of Ebenezer Reed and his parents, and the birth date and place. The Original Source is a town record book birth register that is no longer available. This is still Primary Information and Direct Evidence for the names and birth event.
Huldah Blogget (1689-1777) was the daughter of Samuel and Huldah (Simonds) Blogget of Woburn, Massachusetts. Ebenezer Reed married Huldah Blogget in about 1714 in Woburn. They are my 7th great-grandparents, through their son Nathan Reed (1719-1802) who married Susannah Wood(1724-1780) in 1743.
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Copyright (c) 2020, Randall J. Seaver
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