I used my top 500 matches in 2018, but I want to count the trees of all of my AncestryDNA matches with 20 cM shared DNA or more - so that is 1,500 matches. This is a tick mark challenge, so I tried to be careful doing it.
Here is the top of my AncestryDNA match list.
As you can see, the list tells me if a match has a tree, and how many profiles are in their tree. It also tells me if AncestryDNA has found a Common Ancestor and there is a ThruLine.
Here are my categories for the trees:
* No Tree
* Private Tree (linked or unlinked)
* Unlinked Public Tree
* 1-10 Profiles in Public Tree
* 11-100 Profiles in Public Tree
* 101-1000 Profiles in Public Tree
* 1001-10,000 Profiles in Public Tree
* 10,001 or more in Public Tree
I also counted how many Common Ancestor matches there were in each category.
Here are my results:
Some observations about the data:
* 47.67% of my matches have a public Ancestry Member Tree. (In 2018, that was 43.2%)
* 23.13% of my matches have no Ancestry Member Tree. (In 2018, that was 24.4%)
* 7.33% of my matches have a Private Ancestry Member Tree. (In 2018, that was 8.0%)
* 21.86% of my matches have an Unlinked public Ancestry Member Tree (In 2018, that was 24.4%)
* 11.33% of my matches have a Tiny (1-10 profiles) Ancestry Member Tree (In 2018, that was 7.6%)
* 14.07% of my matches have a Small (11-100 profiles) Ancestry Member Tree (In 2018, that was 11.4%)
* 12.27% of my matches have a Medium (101-1,000 profiles) Ancestry Member Tree (In 2018, that was 13.0%)
* 8.00% of my matches have a Big (1,001-10,000 profiles) Ancestry Member Tree (In 2018, that was 8.6%)
* 2.00% of my matches have a Large (over 10,001 profiles) Ancestry Member Tree (In 2018, that was 2.6%)
* 0.47% of my Top 1,500 matches are labeled as having a Common Ancestor and a ThruLine.
* The numbers above have not changed very much over the past two years, with some exceptions.
* More of my DNA matches have a Public Ancestry Member Tree.
* More of the matches with a public Ancestry Member Tree have a tiny or small tree.
* One significant difference is that there are 1,500 samples as opposed to 500 samples in 2018.
I have not done this type of tabulation for the other DNA match providers. Stay tuned!
Copyright (c) 2018, Randall J. Seaver
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