Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas to All!


There is a reason for the season! Thank you, God, for your Gift to the Earth. 

Merry Christmas to all of my Christian readers and friends. I hope that this day finds you healthy, happy, with family and friends, and that Santa brings you everything you desire.

We are home for the holidays - we may go to Tami's home on Saturday to see those three grandkids and share a meal with them.  Linda and I have our presents for each other under the tree, and we will open them on Christmas morning with the lights sparkling and the wind blowing outside.  We will stay in for Christmas dinner, and the novice chef will see if he can cook the steaks better than on Thanksgiving.   

I might even write a blog post, or work in the RootsMagic database, or resolve some Ancestry Hints.  I may watch some football (who's playing?  I have no clue).  And read Facebook.  Maybe even take a nap in my Santa hat.


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1 comment:

Jacqi Stevens said...

Merry Christmas to you, too, Randy! Hope the chef prepared steak more to your liking for this holiday celebration.