The RootsTech Connect 2021 Conference (25 to 27 February 2021 - FREE, Online) genealogy and family history classes have been released in an 18-page alphabetical list. You can access the PDF class list at this link.
Here is an image of the first page of the class list.
Users can search this list by using Ctrl+F (Windows) or Command+F (Mac). Search the list by subject, presenter, language or category.
The 18-page lists contains about 600 classes! There is no set schedule for these classes. Users will be able to watch any of them for at least the next 12 months On Demand starting from 25 February through the new RootsTech web site (not available yet).
The three-day schedule (25 to 27 February) for the Conference features the Main Stage entertainment and information programs. Users can download the Main Stage schedule here.
Here is an image of the Main Stage schedule. all times are EST.
The Main Stage presentations start on 24 February at 7 p.m. EST with a preview of the Expo Hall. Note that the Saturday program is repeats of Steve Rockwood's presentation every three hours from midnight to 12 noon. All Main Stage presentations will be available on-demand for the next 12 months (or more) starting on 25 February through the RootsTech website.
There will be more information after next Tuesday on the new RootsTech website that will be used for all of these presentations.
There are over 260,000 registrants from over 200 countries already registered for RootsTech Connect 2021. Registration is FREE - go to to register to virtually attend this conference for FREE online.
Disclosure: I am a RootsTech Connect 2021 Ambassador and have committed to providing regular publicity about the conference. I have received free registration, snacks, meals and other benefits from FamilySearch over the 11 years of RootsTech.
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