Calling all Genea-Musings Fans:
It's Saturday Night again -
Time for some more Genealogy Fun!!
Here is your assignment, should you decide to accept it (you ARE reading this, so I assume that you really want to play along - cue the Mission Impossible music!):
1) Almost all of us have genealogy software that we use to manage our research and our family tree. Some researchers use only an online family tree. What do you use?
2) For this week's SNGF, tell us how many "trees" (or "bushes)" you have in your genealogy management program database. How did you figure it out? Also, where do you have online trees?
3) Tell us about it in your own blog post, in a comment to this post, or in a Facebook Status post. Please leave a link in a comment to this post.
Here's mine:
A) I use RootsMagic as my desktop genealogy management program. At presrnt, I have 63,119 profiles in my main database. RootsMagic has a "Count Trees" in the "Tools" menu, so I used that. It told me:
Further down the list, it told me that I have 216 different "trees" - many of them are "bushes" and some are real scrawny with 1 or 2 persons in them.
The first one on my list is headed by ". ." - she is the 3rd wife of Robert Seaver (1608-1683) - I don't know why she is #1, but she is. I don't know her first name or birth surname. Anyway, there are 51,911 profiles in that tree - these are my ancestral families, including my wife's and my grandchildren's lines.
The others on the list are trees or bushes that I have not connected to my main tree. Generally, they are from my surname studies for Seaver, Seavers, Sever, Severs, Seever, Seevers, Sevier, Carringer, Vaux, Auble, Richman, Buck, Whittle, and many more.
I also have a number of other RootsMagic databases for friends and clients.
B) I have 10 Ancestry Member Trees - including one attached to my DNA (also synced to my RootsMagic database), and another for finding common ancestors of DNA matches, and several for surnames and friend research.
C) I have 4 trees on MyHeritage - three of my own from different times, one of those is attached to my DNA, and one for friend research.
D) I have one tree on FamilySearch Genealogies from about 2017.
E) I have two trees on Findmypast from different times.
E) I have ancestor-only trees on FamilyTreeDNA and GEDmatch.
Copyright (c) 2021, Randall J. Seaver
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Here's my contribution
Here's mine:
And mine :)
Here's mine, such as it is:
I use Family Tree Maker 2019 for my desktop - but I find myself using Ancestry tree more and more as the hints/research is much faster. But I definitely prefer the printed charts better on FTM. I have 13 trees on my FTM and 23 trees of my own on Ancestry. I help several friends and also ladies working on joining DAR. I also have trees on My Heritage and FamilySearch or at least have adding to the world tree on FamilySearch. Also my DNA is everywhere - FamilyTreedna, My Heritage and Gedmatch with trees.
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