It's time for another edition of "Seavers in the News" - a weekly feature from the historical newspapers about persons with the surname Seaver that are interesting, useful, mysterious, fun, macabre, or add information to my family tree database.
This week's entry is from the News and Citizen [Morrisville, Vermont] newspaper dated 9 June 1959: The transcription of the article is:
"Committal Service for Mrs. Thanie Sallies Seaver
"A committal service for Mrs. Thanie Sallies Seaver was held in the family lot in Lake View Cemetery in Cadys Falls Sunday afternoon, Nov. 8, Rev. Frank Stockwell officiating.
"Mrs. Seaver was born in Stowe Nov. 27, 1863, the daughter of Lucius and Samantha Sallies. She was educated in the public schools of Stowe and taught school in Stowe and Walcott before she married Eugene K. Seaver in February, 1888.
"The couple lived in Johnson until 1892 when they moved to Cadys Falls where Mr. Seaver operated a grist mill and sawmill in the days when business was at its height. Mr. Seaver died in 1935.
"Two years ago Mrs. Seaver went to Bangor, N.Y. to live with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mark (Mildred) Chaffee, where Mrs. Seaver passed away last Friday. She is also survived by two other daughters, Mrs. T.E. (Ruby) Peacock and Mrs. Everett (Dortha) Allan of Cadys Falls.
"Mrs. Seaver was a member of First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Mass."
The source citation is:
"Committal Service for Mrs. Thanie Sallies Seaver," News and Citizen (Morrisville, Vermont] newspaper, Thursday, 12 November 1959, page 8, column 4, Thanie (Sallies) Seaver obituary; ( : accessed 25 November 2021).
This obituary provides the name, birth date and place, parents names, death date and place, age, children names, spouse's name, occupation, and several associations.
Thanie Ellen Sallies was born 27 November 1863 in Stowe, Vermont, the daughter of Lucius L. and Samantha Lenora (Munn) Sallies. She married Eugene Kingsley Seaver (1860-1935) on 9 February 1888 in Stowe. She died 8 November 1959 in Bangor, New York. They had four children:
* Paul Seaver (1890-1890).
* Ruby Seaver (1893-1972), married 1921 Thomas Edward Todd Peacock (1898-1966).
* Mildred Seaver (1900-1985), married 1922 Mark Jefferson Chaffee (1900-1971).
* Dorothy Muriel Seaver (1903-1984), married 1921 Everett Lyman Allan (1892-1959).
Eugene Kingsley Seaver (1860-1935) is my 6th cousin 4 times removed. Our common Seaver ancestor is Robert Seaver (1608-1683) who settled in Roxbury, Massachusetts in 1634.
There are over 10,000 Seaver "stories" in my family tree - and this was one of them. Life happens, accidentally and intentionally, and sometimes a person's obituary has fairly complete information. I am glad that I can honor Thanie Ellen (Sallies) Seaver today.
You never know when a descendant or relative will find this blog post and learn something about their ancestors or relatives, or will provide more information about them to me.
Disclosure: I have a complimentary subscription to and have used it extensively to find articles about my ancestral and one-name families.
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