Monday, November 22, 2021

Amanuensis Monday -- 1784 Deed of Norman Sever Selling Land in Westminster, Massachusetts to Amos Gates

 This week's document for transcription is the 1784 land deed record for Norman Sever, gentleman of Westminster, selling a 3/4 acre tract of land in Westminster, Worcester County, Massachusetts to Amos Gates of Westminster for 2 pounds 5 shillings.

[Worcester County, Mass. Deeds - Volume 91, Page 478]:

The transcription of this deed is (on the left-hand page of the image):

Know all Men by these presents that I Norman
Sever of Westminster in the County of Worcester & State of the Common-
wealth of Massachusetts bay in New England gentleman in Consideration
of the sum of two pounds five shillings to me in hand paid befor the deli-
very hereof by Amos Gates of s'd Westminster in the Commonwealth
aforesaid the receipt whereof I do hereby Acknowledge have given granted
bargained & sold & do by these presents give grant bargain sell & Convey
unto him the s'd Amos gates his heirs & assigns forever a sarting
track of land lying & bounding in the town of Westminster & being in
the beach hill Meadow so called in the northeasterly part of the Town of
s'd Westminster & Containing about three quarters of an acre bounding
the Southwest corner of maddo lot No. ?? & running northeasterdly an ??? no ??
16 rods to a stake then runing about 16 rods on lot ?? to the southeast Corner then
turning & running strate with the East line of No. ??? five rods to a stake & stones
on land belonging to Norman Sever northerdly on land belong to Amos
Gates Easterdly on land beloning to Norman Sever.

 To Have & to Hold the said granted & bargained primaces together
with all their Appertenances to the s'd Amos Gates his heirs & assigns forever
& the s'd Norman Sever for myself my heirs executors & administrators do
hereby Covenant to that at the sealing hereof that I am the lawful own-
er of s'd granted primises with their Appurtenances & stand seized thereof
in my own proper right as a good estate in fee simple that I have lawful
right to sell the same as afores'd that they are free of all incumbrances
whatever & fees the that I my heirs executors & administrators shall & will
warrant & defend s'd granted premises unto the said Amos Gates his heirs
& assigns forever gainst the Claims of all people set to my hand the eighth
Day of March AD one thousand seven hundred & eighty four & in the 
eighth year of the Independan of America.      Norman Sever  {seal}

Signed Sealed & Delivered     
in presence of us                            Worcester ss  April y'e 15'th 1784 the
John Conee                                   within Named Norman Sever personally
Edward Jackson                           appeared before me & acknowledged the within
                                                       written Deed to be his free act & Deed.
Rec'd July 8'th 1784                                    pr Nicholas Dyke  Just peace
Entered & Examined pr  Dan'l Clap Reg'r

The source citation for this land record is:

"Massachusetts, Land Records, 1620-1986," digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, FamilySearch ( : accessed 7 November 2021), Worcester County, "Deeds 1784-1786, vol. 91-92," Volume 91, Page 478 (image 256 of 653), deed of  Norman Sever to Amos Gates, executed 8 March 1784, recorded 8 July 1784; citing original records in County Courthouses, and on FHL Microfilms.

This deed is for a tract of 3/4 acres of meadow land in Westminster, Worcester County  that Norman Sever, Gentleman of Westminster, sold to Amos Gates of Westminster for 2 pounds 5 shillings on 8 March 1784 (and recorded on 8 July 1784).  

Norman Sever (1734-1787) was the son of Robert and Eunice (Rayment) Sever of Sudbury and Westminster, Massachusetts.  He married Sarah Read (1736-1809) on 14 March 1755 in Sudbury, and they had thirteen children.  Norman and Sarah (Read) Sever are my 5th great-grandparents through their son Benjamin Seaver (1757-1816).


NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"

"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."

Read other transcriptions for records of my ancestors at Amanuensis Monday Posts.

Copyright (c) 2021, Randall J. Seaver

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