William Ladd (a1665-1729) is #740 on my Ahnentafel List, my 7th great-grandfather, who married #741 Elizabeth Tompkins (a1670-after 1729) in 1696 in Little Compton, Rhode Island.
I am descended through:
* their son, #370 Joseph Ladd (1701-1748), who married #371 Lydia Gray (1707-????) in 1731
* their daughter #185 Elizabeth "Betsy" Ladd (1735-1814), married #184 Benedict Oatley (1732-1821) in 1755.
* their son # 92 Joseph Oatley (1756-1815), married #95 Mary Hazard (1765-1857) in 1781.
* their son #46 Jonathan Oatley (1790-1872), married #47 Amy Champlin (1798-1865) in 1813.
* their daughter #23 Amy Frances Oatley (1826-1864), married #22 Henry Arnold White (1824-1885) who married in 1844.
* their daughter #11 Julia E. White (1848-1913) who married #10 Thomas Richmond (1848-1917) in 1868.
* their daughter #5 Alma Bessie Richmond (1882-1962) who married #4 Frederick Walton Seaver (1876-1942) in 1900.
* their son #2 Frederick Walton Seaver (1911-1983) who married #3 Betty Virginia Carringer (1919-2002) in 1942.
* their son #1 Randall Jeffrey Seaver (1943-living)
1) PERSON (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Name: William Ladd[1–5]
* Sex: Male
* Father: Joseph Ladd 1613-1683
* Mother: Joanna --?-- 1630-1669
2) INDIVIDUAL EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Birth: about 1665, Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, United States[1–2]
* Distribution: 24 July 1683 (about age 18), father's will proved; Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, United States[3]
* Death: before 21 October 1729 (before about age 64), Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States[1–2,5]
* Probate: 21 October 1729 (about age 64), will proved; Bristol, Massachusetts, United States[5]
3) SHARED EVENTS (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
* Spouse 1: Elizabeth Tompkins 1675-1729
* Marriage 1: 17 February 1695/6 (about age 30), Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States[1–2,4]
* Child 1: Sarah Ladd 1696-1761
* Child 2: William Ladd 1697-
* Child 3: Mary Ladd 1699-1734
* Child 4: Priscilla Ladd 1700-
* Child 5: Joseph Ladd 1701-1748
* Child 6: Samuel Ladd 1703-
* Child 7: Elizabeth Ladd 1704-
* Child 8: John Ladd 1706-
* Child 9: Catherine Ladd 1707-
* Child 10: Lydia Ladd 1711-1767
* Child 11: Hannah Ladd 1712-
* Child 12: Ruth Ladd 1714-
4) NOTES (with source citations as indicated in brackets):
The Ladd Family book [1] by Warren Ladd provides some information about the William Ladd family, as does Little Compton Families[2].
William Ladd was born about 1665 in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, the son of Joseph and Joanna (--?--) Ladd[1-2].
William's father, Joseph Ladd dated his will 12 April 1669, died testate before 24 July 1683, when it was proved in the Portsmouth, Rhode Island town records, according to the Ladd book (which transcribed it)[3]. He bequeathed to sons Joseph, William and Daniel:
"...That my son Joseph, at his mother's death or marriage, again, shall have my house and land, he paying, or causing to be paid, five pounds sterling apiece to his two brothers, if these surviving. viz.: my son William and Daniel, and what good or chattels shall remain of my estate, at the time aforesaid, to be equally divided betwixt my two youngest sons, and my two daughters, viz.: Mary and Sara..."
Wlliam married Elizabeth, daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Allen) Tompkins, on 17 February 1695/6 in Little Compton[1-2.4]. They had twelve children, all recorded in Little Compton records:
* Sarah Ladd (1696-1671), married 1736 William Enos (1696-????).
* William Ladd (1697-????)
* Mary Ladd (1699-1734), married 1723 Joseph Seabury (1678-1755).
* Priscilla Ladd (1700-????), married 1720 --?-- Manchester (1685-????).
* Joseph Ladd (1701-1748), married 1731 Lydia Gray (1701-????).
* Samuel Ladd (1703-????), married 1729 Bersheba --?-- (1707-????).
* Elizabeth Ladd (1704-????), married 1725 George Shrieve (1702-????)
* John Ladd (1706-????).
* Catherine Ladd (1707-????).
* Lydia Ladd (1711-1767), married 1732 Samuel Seabury (1702-1768).
* Hannah Ladd (1712-????)
* Ruth Ladd (1714-????).
William died before 21 October 1729 at age 64 in Little Compton[5]. There is a Find A Grave memorial for him, but there is no known burial location or gravestone.
The will of William Ladd of Little Compton was dated 13 August 1729; and proved on 21 October 1729 in Bristol County, Massachusetts Probate Court[5]. His wife Elizabeth was named as executrix. He named as legatees each of his children, except John, and "my grandson Nathaniel, son of my son William." All of them were to receive five shillings. After the legacies were paid, he gave all the residue and remainder to his wife. The witnesses to the will were Josiah Sawyer and Benjamin Seabury. The estate was appraised at 88 pounds, 14 shillings, 0 pence, by George Peirce, Samuel Tompkins, and William Hunt. No real estate was included in the inventory. The will says[5]:
In the Name of God amen I William Ladd being in Good and
perfect Min and Memory praises be God for It doe Maike
And ordain this my preasent Last will and testament in maner
and forme following that is to Say first and principally I Commeted
My Soul Into the hands of all Mighty God hoping through the
Merits dethe and a passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have full and
free pardon and forgiveness of all My sins and to Inherit Ever lasting
Life and my bodey I Commit to the Earth to be deasently buried at the
discretion of My Executor hear after Named and as touching the
disposition of all Such temporal Estate as it haath pleased all mighty God
to bestow upon me I Give and dispose their of as followeth.
Item It is my will that all my Just debts and funeral Charges Shall be
paid and discharged.
Item I give unto My Son Joseph Ladd ------------------------ 00-05-00
Item I give unto My Son Samuel Ladd ----------------------- 00-05-00
Item I give unto My daughter Sary Ladd --------------------- 00-05-00
Item I give unto My daughter Mary Seabury -----------------00-05-00
Item I give unto My daughter presclar Manchester --------- 00-05-00
Item I give unto My daughter Elezebeth ????? ---------------00-05-00
Item I give unto My daughter Catron Ladd ------------------- 00-05-00
Item I give unto My daughter Lydia Ladd -------------------- 00-05-00
Item I give unto My daughter ruth Ladd ---------------------- 00-05-00
Item I give unto My grandson nathanell Ladd } --------------00-05-00
Son to my son William Ladd }
All he rest of My Estate whatsoever I give unto my Loving wif
Elezebeth Ladd Making her full and sole Executor of this my Last will
and testament
and I doe hearby revoke, disanull and make void all former wills and tes-
tament by Me here to for Maid. In Witness whereof I the sd william ladd
to this My Last will and testament Set my hand and seall In the year of our
Lord one thousand Seven hundred twenty and nine and on the 13 day
of august. his
Signed Sealed and Delivrd William X Ladd {seal}
In the pressents of us mark
Josiah Sawyer
Samuell Seabury
Benjamin Seabury
1. Warren Ladd, The Ladd Family, A Genealogical and Biographical Memoir (New Bedford, Mass.: Edmund Anthony & Sons, 1890), page 289-290, #3958 William Ladd family sketch.
2. Benjamin Franklin Wilbour, Little Compton Families ( Little Compton, R.I.: Little Compton Historical Society, 1967), pages 389-390, William Ladd family sketch.
3. Warren Ladd, The Ladd Family, A Genealogical and Biographical Memoir, pages 287-289, #3956 Joseph Ladd family sketch.
4. James N. Arnold, Vital Record of Rhode Island, 1636-1850, First Series, Births, Marriages and Deaths : a Family Register for the People (Providence, R.I.: Narragansett Historical Publishing Co., 1891-1912), in Volume 4, Newport County Births, Marriages, Deaths, Little Compton Marriages and Intentions, page 38 (image 405 of 691), William Ladd and Elizabeth Tompkins marriage entry, 17 February 1696; accessed on "Rhode Island (U.S.) Vital Records Abstracts, 1636-1899," indexed database and digital image, Ancestry.com (https://www.ancestry.com : accessed 11 January 2023).
5. "Massachusetts, U.S. Wills and Probate Records, 1635-1991," indexed database with digital images, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com), Bristol County > Probate Records, Kirby, Thankful - Lake, Squire, images 968-973 of 1439, William Ladd Probate Papers, 1729 .
NOTE: Amy Johnson Crow suggested a weekly blog theme of "52 Ancestors" in her blog post
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