[image 176 of 201]
State of New York } SS:
County of Jefferson }
On this Twenty fourth day of April, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and
Seventy Eight, personally appeared before me, Erwin F Ramsdell, the same
being a member of a court of record within and for the county and State aforesaid, Rosannah Lanfear
aged 94 years, a resident of Lorraine , in the State of New York , who,
being duly sworn according to law, declares that she is the widow of Isaac Lanfear
deceased, who was the identical Isaac Lanfear , who served under the name of
Isaac Lanfear as a Private in the company commanded by Captains
Gould Wilcox and Goodell, the 55th regiment of Militia, commanded by
Clark Allen , in the war of 1812 ; that her said
husband Volunteered at Lorraine aforesaid on or about the Ninth day
of September , A.D. 1812 , for the term of the war and continued in actual service
in said war for the term of sixty six days , and whose services terminated, by reason of
honorable discharge at Sackets Harbor , on or about the 25th
dau of August , A.D. 1814 . She further states that the following is a full description of
her said husband at the time of enlistment, viz: Occupation farmer age 35 years hight
5 feet 6 nches Complection light Blk hair & blue eyes & was born at Hillsdale, N.Y.
She further states that she was married to the said Isaac Lanfear , at the city (or
town) of Claverack , in the county of Columbia , and in the State of
New York , on the Tenth day of October, A.D. 1809
by one David Wager, who was a Justice of the Peace; and
that her name before said marriage was Rosannah Lown ; and she further states
that deponent has not remarried since the death
of her said husband.
and that her said husband Isaac Lanfear , died at Lorraine , in the
State of New York, on the Third day of May , A.D. 1851;
and she further declares that the following have been the places of residence for herself and her said husband since
the date of his discharge from the Army, viz: Lorraine County of Jefferson
and State of New York.
She makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the
bounty land (or the additional bounty land) to which she may be entitled under the act approved March 3, 1855; and she further declares that she has heretofore made an application
for a pension under the act of February 14'th 1871 which
application was dated about March 08'th 1876 which pension
No. is 11,838.
[image 179 of 201]
Case No. 333149, Act of March 3'd 1855, Warrant No. 114282
Rosannah Lanfear , widow of
{ Rank: Private
Isaac Lanfear { Captains: Gould & Wlcox
{ Regiment: N.Y. Mil.
{ War: War of 1812
Post Office: Lorraine, Jefferson, County and State of New York
Attorney: has none P.O. ------------------
---------- County, State of ----------, Fee ---------- Contract
No Warrant No. ------------------ acres, Act of ----------------, issued to
Either claimant or soldier previously.
Application filed April 29'th, 1878
{ as Private in Co. of Capts. Gould, Wilcox & Goodell
Alleged service { in the 55th Regt. of Mil (Clark Allen Cmdr) in War of 1812
{ Volunteered at Lorraine Sept 9, 1812 & was honorably discharged
{ at Sacketts Harbor on or about Aug. 25, 1814.
Record evidence { Third Auditor reports name of Isaac Landfear not on rolls of Capt.
of service { Gould & Wilcox's Co. N.Y. Mil. War of 1812. No rolls of Capt. Goodell.
{ by testimony of Sterling Wilcox (under who soldier served, who states that
Parol evidence { the soldier served at Sacketts Harbor under Capt. Gould from Sept. 9 to Sept 28'th in
of service. { 1812 also fr4om March 5'th to 19'th in 1813; also under Capt. Wilcox from May 30'th
{ to June 7'th in 1814; also from July 29 to Aug 24, 1814; also held in reserves in
{ Adams under Capt. Goodell. David Caulkins testifies to the same service of the sol-
{dier in said War. The service of the witnesses are verified by record. P.M. at Worth
{Center N.Y. says Wilcox is reliable witness & that he has been informed that he served
{ in the War of 1812. P.M. at Lorraine says Caulkins is a reliable witness & in 86 [ years of age.
{ by testimony of Daniel Caulkins & Dan'l Wise & Joseph Grimshaw
Proof of identity. {the testimony of Stephen Wilcox under who the soldier served
{ see letter of Postmaster at Lorraine Jefferson Co. N.Y.
{ by claimants oath of allegiance - presumed from his continuous
Proof of loyalty. { residence in N.Y. state since close of War of 1812 & P.M.s endorsement of her loyalty
{ during the War of the Revolution. In Pension claims by testimony of David W.
{ Froman & Malinda Lanfear
Claimant directs warrant to be sent to herself (as above).
Admitted at One hundred & sixty (!60) acres June 12th, 1878
Mortimer [?] [Bride}, Examiner
Approved July 15, 1878
Charles H. Sawyer, Reviewer.
[image 180 of 201]
{ of Joseph Lanfear to Rosannah Lown is shown by claimant's account
{ to have been solemnized October 10, 1808 (or 1809) by David Wager a Justice of the { Peace in town of Claverack, Columbia Co. New York. The testimony of Daniel Wise and
Marriage. { Daniel Caulkins as to cohabitation for over 30 years Deputy Secretary of the
{ State of N.Y. Certifies that Daniel Wager was a J.P. for the town of Claverack N.Y.
{ in 1808.
{ Claimant alleges neither she nor her husband "sustained marriage
Proof as to { relations other than" her own marriage to the soldier. In view of
capacity to { the early date of the marriage & for the reason that no suspicion
marry { exists as to a prior marriage - it is presumed that the marriage as above
{ was legal.
{ Shown by claimant's averment to have occurred at Lorraine N.Y. May 3'd
Death of { 1851. The testimony of Daniel Wise & Joseph Grimshaw who helped
soldier { bury him.
Widowhood.{ Shown by claimants averment, the testimony of Daniel Wise & Joseph
{ Grimshaw who have known claimant 59 & 40 years respectively.
Wilcox & Caulkins are both pensioners under Act of 1871.
See testimony in Rejected claim of Rosannah Lanfear
No. 11838 - Act Feb 14, 1871.
The source citation for this probate case file is:
"War of 1812 Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Files," digital image, Fold3.com (https://www.fold3.com : accessed 27 May 2019), W.O. Pension No. 11,838, Rosannah Lanfear, widow of Isaac Lanfear, images 176, 179-180 of 201, Bounty Land and Widow's Brief; citing NARA RG15-1812PB-Bx2071.
This pension file contains 201 pages. Isaac Lanfear died in 1851, and his widow Rosannah Lanfear applied under the Act of 1871 but it was denied. She reapplied in 1876, and received the pension and bounty land warrant for 160 acres in 1878. Some of the pages in the application file are duplicates, so I have picked the pages that are the most useful. Some of Isaac Lanfear's records had the surname Lamfear or Lanifear or Landfear, so there was some confusion over the years during the application process. By the 1850 time, the family was using Lanfear.
Isaac Lanfear (1777-1851) and Rosina (Laun) Lanfear (1781-1881) are probably my 4th great-grandparents, through an unknown child who had Devier James Lanfear (1839-1894) in Jefferson County, New York, perhaps out of wedlock. Devier Lanfear was informally (?) adopted by Ranslow and Mary (Bell) Smith of Henderson, Jefferson County, New York, and the Ranslow Smith family moved to Wisconsin in before 1843. Devier James Lanfear went by Smith, and had a formal name change from "Lamphier" to "Smith" on 21 March 1866 by an act of the Wisconsin State Senate. He is named as "my adopted son, Devier J. Lamphear alias Smith" in Ranslow Smith's will dated 1865, probated in Andrew County, Missouri in 1873.
NOTE: Genea-blogger John Newmark (who writes the excellent TransylvanianDutch blog) started a Monday blog theme years ago called "Amanuensis Monday." John offers this definition for "amanuensis:"
"A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another."
Read other transcriptions of records of my ancestors at Amanuensis Monday Posts.
Copyright (c) 2023, Randall J. Seaver
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