Here are the highlights of my family history and genealogy related activities over the past week.
1) Hosted and presented the Chula Vista Genealogical Society (CVGS) DNA Interest Group Meeting on Wednesday. I reported on DNA talks at RootsTech, AncestryDNA's reveals at RootsTech, MyHeritageDNA reveals at RootsTech, and the return of 23andMe's "Relatives in common" feature. I also reported on my ThruLines for Thomas and Hannah (Wakeman) Partridge.
2) Attended the in-person CVGS Education Meeting on Tuesday and helped potential member Bob sort out a Mayflower line - concluded that a Virginia girl was attached to a Plymouth line. Also showed him how to use the FamilySearch Catalog and Full-Text Search to find more records.
3) Watched two more Diahan Southard webinars for "DNA Skills Workshop" and "Organize Your DNA Matches Simply and Efficiently."
4) Participated in the "Mondays With Myrt" YouTube video conference for 18 March, and spoke about the MyHeritage DeepStory feature.
7) Did more research on the Partridge and Wakeman families associated with the last wife (Mary Partridge (1792-1855) of my 4th great-grandfather Cornelius Feather (1777-1853). Found many Ohio tax list records, some marriage records, and Find A Grave memorials.
8) AncestryDNA now has 45,602 DNA matches (up 82 from 18 March) with 1937 "close" matches, for me today, with 2 new ThruLines (one wrong). I added Notes to 2 new Matches. MyHeritageDNA now has 12,394 DNA matches (up 40 from 18 March) for me, with no new Theories (I still have 19). Reviewed the new DNA matches on AncestryDNA, MyHeritageDNA, FamilyTreeDNA and 23andMe. The Genetic Affairs AutoClusters run failed, and wouldn't do a 23andMe run. Ran MyHeritage AutoClusters again. Also captured all AncestryDNA Common Ancestors matches and ran the WikiTree Match Table for them - now up to 603.
10) Used Web Hints and Record Matches from Ancestry, MyHeritage, Findmypast and FamilySearch to add content and source citations to my RootsMagic profiles. I now have 72,454 persons in my RootsMagic family tree (up 56), and 146,713 source citations (up 20). Resolved 43 Ancestry Hints. TreeShared 102 new and updated profiles with my Ancestry tree. My Ancestry Member Tree has Ancestry Record Hints with 14,464 to be resolved, but I work on them several times a week.
11) Wrote 19 Genea-Musings blog posts last week (Sunday through Saturday), of which 4 were a press release. The most viewed post last week was 52 Relatives: Ann Richman (1851-1853) of Hilperton Marsh, Wiltshire with over 171 views. Genea-Musings had about 21,400 page views last week and over 153,000 for the past month.
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