Sunday, September 16, 2007

Best of the Genea-Blogs - Week of September 9

Here is my short list of the "best" posts from the genealogy blogs that I read (my list in Bloglines is up to 180) for the week of September 9-15. My criteria are pretty loose - I pick those that are important to me as a researcher or a blogger, are helpful or are funny. They are in no particular order:

* "Some Final Thoughts on 'Did Ancestry Violate Copyright Law'" by Craig Manson at Geneablogie. Craig's 5-part series is must reading for researchers, writers and bloggers. The other parts are Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4. Read them all!

* "Meum at Teum ... Mine and Thine" by Terry Thornton at Hill Country of Monroe county, Mississippi. Terry provides 5 examples from his own experience concerning copyright law.

* "What's on the Web" by Blaine Bettinger at The Genetic Genealogist. Blaine captures recent articles concerning DNA and the human genome.

* "Expanded Vision of Genealogy 2.0" by Mark Tucker at ThinkGenealogy. Mark's post includes a list of characteristics that he thinks should be included in Genealogy 2.0.

* "Some Thoughts About Interviewing My Dad" by Susan Kitchens at Oral Family History Using Digital Tools. Susan's experience of hearing "surprises" from her father is telling - and applies to every interview we do.

* "The Socks to America" by Lisa Cooke at Genealogy Gems TV is hilarious. While this is not exactly a blog, I loved it!

* "Patient Genealogists" by Pat Richley at DearMYRTLE Blog. This is a 4 part series so far - see Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4. There is some good advice for novice through expert researchers here.

* "Lost Genealogy Records and 9/11 - Another Pirates of the Pedigree Tale" by Arlene Eakle at her Arlene H. Eakle blog. There is great advice her about finding records after a disaster occurs.

* "Why the 1900 Census?" at The Ancestor Insider blog provides the real answer as to why the FamilySearch Indexing folks decided to index the 1900 census first in their project.

That's my list. What did I miss? Please tell me about your favorite genealogy blog posts this past week.

1 comment:

Terry Thornton said...

Thanks Randy for selecting "Meum et teum" at Hill Country for your short list this week. Legal concepts seem to be changing rapidly in the world of copyright and it is interesting to watch how "fair use" is being defined. Perhaps you and I will live long enough to see a "meum et teum standard" applied fairly across the board protecting all sorts of creative work equally.

Terry Thornton
Hill Country of Monroe County, Mississippi