Saturday, February 16, 2008

Letters from Home - Post 11

This is the tenth letter in the stack of Letters from Home to Austin and Della (Smith) Carringer, residing in the San Diego, California area after 1887. An explanation of the family members and situation is here.


Letter from D.J. Smith to daughter Della (Smith) Carringer. Envelope addressed to Mrs. H.A. Carringer, No. 558 - 16th Street, corner of H, San Diego California, return address of McEntee House, McCook Neb, postmarked McCook Nebr ?? Nov 1891, no stamp, postmarked on back San Diego Cal Nov 21 1891 2 PM.

On stationary of M.H. Bacon, General Broker,

McCook Neb, Nov 15th 1891

Dear Children,

Good evening how do you do tonight, Delley why don't you rite a line and let me know how you and the boy are getting along. I got a line from Austin stating that the babey was born and that it was a boy, but that was dated the 3d and I have not heard nothing more. Last Sunday I rote you a letter, and mailed it, and Monday morning I got Austin's few lines and then in the evening I rote you and the babey but have not had a letter since.

You know I worry about you children at such times, of corse I need not, as I know you have the best of cair and do have the best of judgement yourself, how to take cair of yourself and the babey boy. I trust you and him both are doing well and he may be a good boy to his mother and father. May his path be strait and he ... a model boy. This is my wish as yours.

Now Delley I got him a present and would have sent it before but have ben waiting for Mati to get something ready for you and your Ma for a Christmas present. She sed it would not be of much value but more of a keepsake. I helped her to get a present for the babey. I may as well tell you what I got for the old boy, it is a Babey Case squair with box for powder to you know what when they chafe or scald and little comb to comb his head and ring ... so Mati has a nice dress for him and a little bonett for Christmas. I have them in my room and will send them by Express as soon as Mati is ready with yours and her mothers.

Now I will close by saying good night to you all and hope to have a letter tomorrow from you. By By with Love a kiss, a fat hug to the boy boy. Yours, D.J. Smith.


There's been another blessed event in San Diego - the birth of Lyle Lawrence Carringer to Austin and Della (Smith) Carringer on 2 November 1891. After the loss of baby Devier David Carringer, Austin and Della will treat this one very gently and watch him very carefully.

DJ is a proud grandpa again (he has Davie's little girl, Eva Etta Smith by now in McCook), and he has fatherly advice for Della and Austin. Mati is going to send a gift - I often wonder what it was. DJ's tells us what his gift is.

DJ is staying at the McEntee House, which on the 1889 Sanborn Map for McCook, Nebraska is right across the alley from the D.D. Smith Livery near the railroad tracks.

1 comment:

Adoption Services said...

Excellent post I must say.. Simple but yet interesting and engaging.. Keep up the awesome work!