Friday, February 18, 2011

Chasing Women, Newspapers, and Software

I love the Webinars being posted by different genealogy software companies.  I usually learn something about genealogy and the software.

1)  Legacy Family Tree has two new Webinars posted this month:

Chasing Women - Finding Your Female Ancestors.  (1 hour, 21 minutes, available until 16 March 2011) -- Locating the names of our female ancestors can be difficult - principally because their names changed upon marrying. Women historically have not produced as many records as their husbands, since women's suffrage largely did not exist until the twentieth century. This adds to the difficulty of finding their names, let alone the details of their lives. There are two major search areas that we deal with in locating women's names, the first being the search for their maiden names, and secondly, the search for their married names. One search can be as hard as the other, and you may find you are doing both types of searches on the same women. Join nationally-known speaker, author, and publisher, Leland K. Meitzler as he gives details on a wide variety of sources, starting with the obvious, and working its way through sources that you may not have thought of using previously.

*  Newspapers: Critical Resource to Complete Your Family Tree (1 hour, 28 minutes, available until 10 March 2011) -- . Learn how to document the daily life of your ancestors in over 300 years of fragile, rare newspapers, books and documents. See how you can click and read articles about your ancestors, obituaries & marriage notices, military reports and even the sermons preached at their funerals! History comes alive as you climb beyond the names and dates on your family tree to the recorded details of their lives. Join librarian, lecturer, newspaper expert, and's Thomas Jay Kemp for this one-hour webinar on U.S. newspaper research, including a demonstration of the historical newspapers, books, and documents available at

2)  RootsMagic has had three Webinars this month, all dealing with RootsMagic software (you can Watch or Download these Webinars):

Sources, Citations and Documentation in RootsMagic (85 minutes)

Working with Files and Folders in RootsMagic (74 minutes)

Cleaning Your Family Tree in RootsMagic (85 minutes)

There is one Webinar scheduled during the rest of February:

Personal Historian: Bringing Life to Your Life Story (23 February 2011, 5 p.m. MST, registration required)

3)  There was a Family Tree Maker 2011 Webinar on Wednesday, 16 February, but it is not archived on the Webinar page yet.  Watch for it!

UPDATED 9:50 AM:  Bruce Buzbee provided links to the RootsMagic Webinar in Comments.  You know, I never think about right-clicking!  Thanks, Bruce.

1 comment:

RootsMagic said...


You can right click on the watch button for each webinar and click "Copy link address". Here they are:

Sources, Citations and Documentation with RootsMagic

Working with Files and Folders in RootsMagic

Cleaning Your Family Tree in RootsMagic

- Bruce