Well, the tagging game has done pretty well. I thought I would keep a scorecard here and see who has played:
Susan Kitchens started the Genea-tagging at http://www.2020hindsight.org/2006/12/20/five-things-you-should-know-about-me/
Jasia at http://creativegene.blogspot.com/2007/01/jasia-revealed.html
Chris Dunham at http://www.genealogue.com/2007/01/five-things-you-should-know-about-me.html
Steve Danko at http://stephendanko.com/blog/2007/01/21/ive-been-tagged/
Lee Anders at http://www.geneaholic.com/2007/01/21/5-things-about-lee/
Randy Seaver at http://randysmusings.blogspot.com/2007/01/randy-revealed.html
James Curley posted his list as a comment at Steve Danko's post
Juliana Smith at http://blogs.ancestry.com/circle/?p=963#more-963
Dear Myrtle at http://blog.dearmyrtle.com/2007/01/5-things-youll-wish-you-didnt-know.html
Michael John Neill at http://www.rootdig.com/2007/01/tagged.html
George G. Morgan at http://ahaseminars.livejournal.com/11353.html
Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak at http://www.rootstelevision.com/blogs/megans-rootsworld/2007/01/things_youll_wish_you_didnt_kn.html
Kimberly Powell at http://genealogy.about.com/b/a/255918.htm
Maureen Taylor at http://photodetective.blogspot.com/2007/01/tag-youre-it.html
Drew Smith at http://drewsmith-genealogy.blogspot.com/2007/01/tag-im-it.html
Miriam Midkiff at http://ancestories1.blogspot.com/2007/01/things-you-didnt-know-about-miriam.html
Apple at http://appledoesntfallfar2.blogspot.com/2007/01/playing-tag.html
Leland Meitzler at http://genealogyblog.com/general/ive-been-tagged-5801
Janice Brown at http://cowhampshire.blogharbor.com/blog/_archives/2007/1/23/2670411.html
David at http://oakvilleblackwalnut.blogspot.com/2007/01/lee-got-me.html
JDR at http://anglo-celtic-connections.blogspot.com/2007/01/genealogy-community.html
Sharon Elliott at http://back-track.blogspot.com/2007/01/only-things-about-me-you-didnt-know.html
Denise Olsen (Moultrie Creek) at http://www.moultriecreek.net/family/2007/01/another_use_for.html
Rick Crume (The Internet Guy) at http://www.rootstelevision.com/blogs/the-internet-guy/2007/01/five_things_you_didnt_know_about_me.html
Og at http://www.rootstelevision.com/blogs/ogblog/2007/01/og_likes_playing_games.html
Craig Manson at http://geneablogie.blogspot.com/2007/01/five-things.html
Joe Beine at http://genrootsblog.blogspot.com/2007/01/origin-of-wee-monster-genealogy-website.html (but he lists only one item - it's a good one)
Lorine Schulze at http://olivetreegenealogy.blogspot.com/2007/01/tag-im-it-heres-5-things-you-may-or-may.html and http://olivetreegenealogy.blogspot.com/2007/01/tag-im-it-continued.html
David Lambert at http://davidlambertblog.com/?p=85
Canterbury5 (he doesn't want us to know his real name) at http://www.yourbrotherkings.com/?p=175
Katie at http://begatchat.com/archives/2007/01/5_unknown_thing_1.html
Lisa Alzo at http://theaccidentalgenealogist.blogspot.com/2007/01/ive-been-tagged.html
Dana Huff at http://genealogy.danahuff.net/?p=159
Becky Wiseman at http://kinexxions.blogspot.com/2007/01/i-wasnt-tagged-but-here-are-5-things.html
David Bowles at http://westwardsagas.com/blog/?p=59
Brian Massey at http://ancestorsatrest.blogspot.com/2007/01/tag-im-it-5-things-you-may-not-want-to.html
Sally Jacobs at http://practicalarchivist.blogspot.com/2007/01/5-things-you-dont-know-about-me.html
Illya D'Addezio at http://illya.daddezio.com/2007/01/friendly-game-of-tag.html
Cameron at http://empty-nest.contentquake.com/2007/01/28/miriam’s-tag/
Bobbie at http://genealogyetc.blogspot.com/2007/01/5-things-you-didnt-know-about-me.html
Marty Weil at http://ephemera.typepad.com/ephemera/2007/01/5_things_about_.html
41 have played and been found so far. If you know of others who have responded, please let me know and I'll add them to my list. My email is rjseaver(at)cox.net.
Are there some on that list that you haven't visited? One of the purposes of this tagging exercise is to get to know each other a bit more and perhaps find common interests other than genealogy. Please click on the links above and get to know all the wonderful genea-bloggers who provide content for the online genealogy world, and were brave enough to share their hidden talents, experiences or knowledge with the rest of us.
If everyone plays, we should run out of genea-bloggers to tag in several more days. I figured that 5 rounds would be 781 blogs, but that assumed everyone would play (and that all genea-bloggers are active).
Should this be a carnival of genealogy topic? It's probably too late!
UPDATES: Will likely be morning and evening for the next few days. Check back often! Last update: Tuesday, 30 January, 11:00 AM PST
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
Actually, I did consider it for a Carnival of Genealogy topic but I had no idea so many of the genea-bloggers would reveal themselves. I guess I just didn't have enough faith in my fellow bloggers. I thought people would be too shy/modest/private and unwilling to divert from the more traditional genealogy topics to contribute. Just goes to show you how well I didn't know my fellow bloggers!
And on the topic of not knowing my fellow bloggers... I thought everyone would rush to see which car I picked for them at the Auto Show (link to pictures on my Auto Show blog post) but very few did :-(
So much for my psych degree ;-)
Thanks for keeping a list, it is helpful as I have been jumping around trying to catch all of this. I want to say thank you to everyone who participated and so eagerly! It has been so much fun and interesting! Now I had better to check that list and make sure I haven't missed anyone!
Great thinking, Randy!
David answered the challenge here:
~ Lee
Thanks for the recap - I had missed a couple.
Denise Olsen at Family Matters posted hers today.
Trust a genealogist to approach this as a kind of tagging begat tree! ;)
(and heck, I shoulda started it from the Family Oral History site, but, well, now you know I also hang out on my blog-blog)
Randy, Bobbie at Genealogy etc. posted 5 things at http://genealogyetc.blogspot.com/2007/01/5-things-you-didnt-know-about-me.html
Kz4BWY The best blog you have!
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