Friday, February 9, 2007

APG Skillbuilding Articles

I have a great respect for the genealogy professionals who write articles and books to help all of us understand the finer points of genealogy research, evidence evaluation, source citation and documentation.

Some of the very best articles are on the BCG Skillbuilders site -

They have added Work Samples to the site in order to help researchers who are considering pursuing certification - essentially providing examples of quality work to help folks understand the requirements better. The Work samples are at

I read several of them tonight - just pure excellent work. The newest example is Connie Lenzen's Narrative Lineage article - at

If you are considering certification, then you should read through these articles and examples.

I considered pursuing certification, but put it off until I was fully retired and needed something interesting to do. I'm there now, but then blogging came along, and that has been interesting and addictive...

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