Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Many "I Dos" Some "I Donts" announced that databases for the Nevada Marriage Index (1956-2005) and the Nevada Divorce Index (1968-2005) are now available on Ancestry. The announcement is at

For the Nevada Marriage Index, there are over 8 million entries between 1956 and 2005.
This database contains an index to marriages for Clark County, Nevada (including Las Vegas) from 1956-1966 (with a few marriages from earlier and later years). The database also contains a statewide index to marriages from 1966-2005.

* Names of bride and groom
* Marriage date
* City or county of marriage
* Officiant**
* Date marriage was recorded**
* City or county of recording**
* County book and page number

**Only available in the statewide index for 1966-2005

The Nevada Divorce Index (1968 to 2005) has almost half a million entries, and includes:

This database contains a statewide index to nearly half a million divorces that were granted in Nevada between 1968 and 2005. Information available in this database includes:

* Name
* Spouse’s name
* Divorce date
* County of divorce
* County File Number

Read the entire announcement - it lists some celebrity marriages and divorces, plus provide statistics about the databases.

I checked the databases for my family members - I found my brother and his current wife. Now I know where they were married!

Needless to say, these databases provide significant resources to help genealogists put families together (or tear them apart!).

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