Thursday, February 1, 2007

Best Family Genealogy web sites

Family Tree Magazine has a contest for the best family genealogy web site. The finalists are:

Family Historians

The Genealogy of the Kloosterman Family

John & Susan Howell's Family Trees

Kerry Kelley's Genealogy Web Site

Our Innes Tree and Tangled Branches

Check out the sites, then log on to
and vote for the site you think is best overall. Multiple voting is allowed. Spread the word to friends, family, coworkers, casual
acquaintances and random people you run into so they can have their say, too. Voting ends Tuesday, Feb. 13 at midnight EST.

I checked them all out, and they are all very well done. The Kloosterman site is the most striking visually - check out the photo montage at the top of the page - each small photo has a caption - that's neat.

I like the sections with photos, documents, genealogy reports, pedigree charts, etc. - the visual effects are very informative and interesting.

They are all very different, also. I am always struck by web sites like this at the creativity and ingenuity of the authors and owners. There are lots of good ideas here for people like me who want to put a family web site together and are searching for ideas on design and content.

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