Monday, January 29, 2007

Della's Journal - Week 5 (Jan 29 - Feb 4, 1929)

This is Installment 5 of the Journal of Della (Smith) Carringer, my great-grandmother, who resided at 2115 30th Street in San Diego in 1929. The "players" and "setting" are described here. Pictures of some of the players are here. Last week's Journal entry is here.


Tuesday, January 29th: I did not work outside. Took my bath. Mr. Rose died this A.M. Sack [of] cow manure 50 c[ents]. Ruth & Louie called. Washed kitchen curtains.

Wednesday, January 30th: Sewed some. Mrs. Setchel came home from Paradise Valley.

Thursday, January 31st: A[ustin] got pay. I went to town, got syrup of figs 47c, curtains for 2119 [30th] 45 + 50 = 95c for my bathroom 45c, five mush dishes 50c, bag for clothes 15c, cards 10c, envelopes 5c, towel 10c.

Friday, February 1st: Rained a little. Made curtains. A[ustin] has some cold.

Saturday, February 2nd: Rained in night & some this forenoon. Ed did not come over. I wrote him to come over Mon or Tue. Myrtle and Ben came in afternoon, had their new car.

Sunday, February 3rd, pleasant, warmer: Pleasant all day. Myrtle and Ben stayed until 1:30 P.M. Then Jack called said he was going to San F. tomorrow. He had to fix his place & rent it since he was here.

Monday, February 4th, cloudy & showery: I went to town. Pd $200. on 2116 Fern, got Pass $1.00, & $65 month pay. Cookies & crack[ers] .60, coffee .50, candy .50, horvunds (?) .25, chair seat .15, Errame (?) meat .15.


Ben and Myrtle Milbank lived in Long Beach, Myrtle was Della's first cousin, the daughter of Elizabeth (Vaux) Crouch, sister to Abigail (Vaux) Smith. I have no clue who Ruth, Louie or Jack are - friends or neighbors, I guess. Or what words she meant with "horvunds" and "Errame."


Anonymous said...

ok I don't know how to spell either but I think she meant appeitizer like the FRENCH word Hordervies(?) and Ermine meat is a type of meat from the Mink family. And the FUR is expensive. and yes they have to do something with the rest of the animal, folks back then were not wasters of animal body parts. Hope I have helped, if not I am sorry I tried. Have a great week seems Della did!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to hear more from Della!

Carol Michel said...

Randy... I've been posting my own grandmother's diaries for almost a year... someone commented there to direct me here. Thought you might find them of interest. The years are 1925 to 1927.

These journal entries are very interesting, even knowing what they paid for groceries back then.