Monday, June 18, 2007

26th Carnival of Genealogy is about... Dads

Jasia has posted the 26th Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy today at This carnival topic was Dads!

There are 17 contributors in this edition, and each of the articles is a tribute to a father or grandfather, or, in some cases, to several ancestral males. Please read them all!

My own contribution was my article "Fathers I Have Known."

One of the real benefits of these Carnivals is that a blogger unknown to me often contributes, and I consequently read their blog regularly.

The next Carnival topic will be "What America / Independence Day has meant to my family." It is intentionally vague so that you can interpret it as you will. Write about family picnics and fireworks or fighting in the Civil War. Write about the struggle to adapt to a foreign land or the fight for civil rights. Share with us what being in America has meant to your family and submit your blog article to the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy using our carnival submission form.

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