Monday, October 29, 2007

Della's Journal - Week 44 (October 29-November 4, 1929)

This is Installment 44 of the Journal of Della (Smith) Carringer (1862-1944), my great-grandmother, who resided at 2115 30th Street in San Diego in 1929.

The "players" and "setting" are described here. Pictures of some of the players are here. Last week's Journal entry is here.

Here is Week 44:


Tuesday, October 29 (cooler): I set out border plants & trimmed catonia aster tree in front [of] waterworth tree. Ma worked on weeds. Miss Maynard came up, wants us to sign a paper so she can get pension for Blind. I will tend to it have to sign before a Notary. Girls up stairs gave a party.

Wednesday, October 30 (cool): I took my bath then did washing. Ma reused & hung out. Miss Thoren came home today, stayed with her sister last night, had a nice time. A[ustin] went down to Dr. Bill's pd him $3.50 & is to pay 50 cts a treatment.

Thursday, October 31, Halloween: I went with Lyle's up to Park to see the kiddies parade. We went after Lyle then ate supper Picnic style. Walked around several blocks then down to stand to watch the show. Was very good, the King & Queen & attendants. We stayed until 9 P.M. Ma & I wrote to Rose Kimball. A[ustin] got pay.

Friday, November 1 (warm): I went to city. Pd last Instalment on 2116 Fern St. and $3.50 for to finish up the business. A[ustin] to dentice 50 cts. Ma took her bath & washed her clothes.

Saturday, November 2 (warm): Lyle's birthday, was 38 yrs old. We went over there for supper. Betty made place cards. Emily gave him a Bridge lamp, Betty handkerchiefs, Mrs Auble box home made candy, Ma hanger for closet. We [paid] money $3.00 for Geographic Magazine & $2.50 to go to see the new Theater of Fox Co. Ed did not come over. We goto ur new telephone book & new number R[andolph] 8453.

Sunday, November 3 (warm): Emily took our pictures of our four generations over at their house. Lyle's got them a wood & coal stove for fire place, very nice. I went out to see Mr. & Mrs. Garlock, she is real lame. His grandson from Minn. has been visiting them had another boy with him, Hattie's boy.

Monday, November 4 (warm): We worked some in Ma's closet & she sewed a little. Got letter from Aunt Libbie. Beulah had gone back to her husband, will give him another trial. I sent Cardiff lots water tax Irrigation $6. Pd Milk bill yo Allen's $4.03. Only one of the pictures good. Emily had her mothers, hers & Bettys taken, one is very nice. Betty cold & had nose bleed, did not go to school.


I know I've seen the four generation picture and several others, but I can't find them on my hard drive. They're not on the wall, either. They must be in the box of unscanned photos that I haven't gotten around tuit yet.

There is no mention of the stock market crash on 29 October in this week's journal. I wonder how it affected Della's family?

I wonder who Miss Maynard is? I need to check the census again, I guess. Della must have known her well in order to be able to sign an affidavit. She may be a neighbor or former neighbor.

My grandfather's birthday was celebrated - at age 38, he had worked for Marston's Department Store for about 23 years.

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