Being the curious genea-cat I am, I checked the reach and page views on for:
* measures Reach (percentage of all Internet users who visit a web site).

The daily page views (in terms of percent of all Internet users) were:

The Alexa page for lists the following statistics:
* 0.057% of all Internet users visited on 25 August
* 0.055% (average) of all Internet users visited over the past three months.
* 16.4 page views per user on 25 August
* 15.32 page views per user (average) over the past three months
* Ancestry's rank in the USA is #386 of all web sites
I also checked the daily U.S. visits for the four TGN domains on
These are daily visits by U.S. visitors. The Quantcast page for indicates that the site averages 5.0 million visitors per month (not visits, visitors - in other words, unique users). Other statistics indicate that:
* 4% of the visits are "addicts" that are 48% of the total visits
* 41% of the visits are "regulars" that are 41% of the total visits
* 51% of the visits are "passers-bys" that are 11% of the visits.
The statistics indicate, to me, that:
* Bringing the Rootsweb domain into the Ancestry domain did not appreciably increase the total TGN traffic. For example, in early March, Rootsweb had a reach of 0.04% and Ancestry had 0.03%, and in early August Ancestry had a reach of 0.06% and Rootsweb had a reach of 0.005%.
* The Ancestry traffic is essentially stagnant - it has averaged 700K to 800K visits a day (from Quantcast), and a reach of 0.05% to 0.06% (from Alexa) since April 2008.
* Traffic for (about 25% of Ancestry's reach) and (about 15% of Ancestry's reach) is essentially constant also.
* The total traffic for all four of TGN's lead domains is about 1.2 million visits daily by U.S. persons.
In a later post, I will determine if other genealogy commercial and free web sites have increased their traffic statistics and market share.
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