Monday, August 25, 2008

Genealympics Medal Ceremony

The Genealympics (the official name is the Genea-Bloggers Group Games of 2008) are officially over, and the closing ceremony has been posted by Thomas MacEntee on his blog Destination: Austin Family in the post Genea-Blogger Games: Closing Ceremony.

Here is the flag I waved at the Opening Ceremony and the Closing Ceremony:

I was awarded two medals in the two events that I participated in. A Diamond Medal for competing in the Organize Your Research! event:

And a platinum medal for participating in the Genealogical Acts of Kindness event.

You can see a summary of my Genealympics activities here.

Thank you to Thomas MacEntee, Miriam Midkiff, Kathryn M. Doyle and footnoteMaven for organizing the Games. They were great fun, and are one of the very best examples of genealogy bloggers working together to advance the genealogy research skills of each genea-athlete.

1 comment:

Moultrie Creek said...

Congratulations on your medals! I'm impressed with efforts put out by all the participants. A special thanks to Thomas, Miriam and Kathryn for their efforts organizing both the Genea-Bloggers group and these games. What a wonderful way to build community!