For the past few years, I've been the ringmaster for the genealogy-oriented games that we play at the picnic. In the past two years, we've played Genealogy Jeopardy and Wheel of Genealogy Fortune. The group loves the challenge and participation. People almost fought to be Vanna White.
This year, we're playing "Genealogy Password." Remember the game "Password" on TV from the 1960's with Allen Ludden? It has come back several times, and a Million-Dollar Password is in current production with Regis Philbin. The rules are on Wikipedia here.

The CVGS "Genealogy Password" game is going to be fairly simple in order not to confuse or tax the brain of "Allen Ludden" - moi! I need your help. I figure that I need about 100 words in order to play a one hour game with several teams, and playoffs, and a lightning round at the end.
Tell me your favorite one-word genealogy terms. I'll try to work them into my list of words. Be creative! I already have ahnentafel, indenture, grantor and pedigree. Oh - I need them by 8 a.m. PDT on Wednesday!!! Thanks.
Tell me your favorite one-word genealogy terms. I'll try to work them into my list of words. Be creative! I already have ahnentafel, indenture, grantor and pedigree. Oh - I need them by 8 a.m. PDT on Wednesday!!! Thanks.
This sounds like fun! How about obituary, repository, archives, pension, codicil, occupation, naturalization, manuscript, mitochondrial, microfiche, intestate, townland, affidavit and veteran?
Gret idea, Randy. I love word games. How about throwing in some words that also have non-genealogical meanings to see which way people go: tree, roots, branch, will, deed, grave, source, query, abstract, record, bounty, line, manifest. Have fun!
DNA, probate, passenger, immigration, census, index, metes, bounds, vital, witness
footnote, enumerator, passport, parent, spouse, birthplace, birth, marriage, death, emigration, photograph, gender, inscription, gravestone, monument, graveyard, abstract, transcription, directory, descent, lineage, tombstone, pensioners, draft, surname, hereditary, tax, soundex, topographic, adoption, sources, evidence, artifact, heirloom, estate, genetic, indexing, internet, lineage, proof, pedigree, archivist, traits, software, procrastination, professionalism, baptized, christening, eldest, heir, guardian, widow, widower, indentured, journeyman, issue, bachelor, spinster, pauper, pensioner, proxy, translation, extracts, compiled, primary, secondary, deduction, assumption, hypothesis, fiche, obsessed, tired.
Proband, fan chart, register, BMD, GEDCOM, LDS, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA, but let them guess the full name), history, certificate, chromosome, genotype, but wait...
Don't forget the obvious ones, such as mom, dad, father, mother, parent, brother, sister, sibling, aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather, stepfather, stepmother, stepbrother, stepsister, sex, fertilisation, pregnancy, embryo, foetus, birth, adoption, still birth, death, man, wife, MIA, burial, cremation, ashes, urn, marriage, divorce, town hall, church, witness, best man, bridal bouquet, hospital, graveyard, grave, headstone, inscription, rubbing, spouse, partner, widow, widower, deceased, obituary.
Throw in the somewhat less obvious state burial, slave, concubine, trophy wife, monogamy, polygamy, polygyny, polyandry, group marriage, bigamy, trigamy, serial monogamy, plural marriage (LDS), open marriage, eye colour, hair colour, baldness, custody battle, custody hearing, family court, custody court, guardian, guardianship, joint custody, child support, alimony, shared parenting, parenting plan, twins, triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets, etcetera.
Up the ante a bit with modern ones like living together, birth mother, sperm donor, egg donor, embryo donor, artificial insemination, sperm bank, in-vitro fertilisation, masturbatorium, assisted reproduction, cryobank, genetic counselling, embryo transfer, surrogacy, gestational carrier, implantation window, host mother, fertility clinic and donor registry.
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