Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 1 in Salt Lake City

The last hour of the flight from San Diego to Salt Lake City showed a blanket of snow on fields, mountains, roads, cliffs, etc. Even part of the Great Salt Lake looked frozen over. It was dry in SLC, and I got to the Little America Hotel by 4:45 p.m. There was another genealogist in the transfer van who is going to the FHC and the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy next week.

I went down and had dinner at 5:30, came back to the room, turned the football game on, took my shoes off and looked forward to a long night of blogging, reading email, commenting on Facebook, and an early bedtime.

Then I saw a comment to me on Facebook from Pat Richley (DearMYRTLE) that asked if I wanted to meet her group for dinner. I phoned her at the FHC (she had just solved a research problem). She picked me and Dick Eastman up and we went to a nearby restaurant, and there were several other SLIG organizers there too - Paula, Elissa, Mark, and Karen. It was great to meet all of them, whom I "know" only by reputation and from being Facebook friends. I really apreciate Pat reaching out to me and including me - it's like we're old friends already.

We talked for awhile - they've been meeting like this for years it seems, and here I am, the new kid on the block. They ate dinner, I had another dessert, and it was semi-snowing outside when we went out to come back to the hotel. Cool!

I may not blog tomorrow until the evening. There is a full day at a place down the road, and a dinner to follow. I don't think I'm going to be allowed to talk about it. If I can, I will! I'm sorry to be so evasive...

When I got back to the room, I had a little chat with Gena about Twitter on Facebook, and checked my Facebook Friends to see what else was happening. I managed to see the last two minutes of the football game. Ho hum - genealogy is so much more fun!


Midge Frazel said...

Watch out for those second desserts!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, that sounds like soooo much fun for all of you. Have a blast!