Hey there, genea-funsters! Are you ready for some Saturday Night family history fun? I realize that many of you are reading this Sunday morning or even later, but that's OK. You can still participate.
There is a great meme going around the genealogy community on Facebook right now - it's called High School Survey. It's 25 questions about your high school senior year, so it's a bit long for our purposes here. I've modified it a bit and picked ten questions for you to ponder about your high school years. Here they are, with my responses:
1. What was your school's full name, where was it, and what year did you graduate? San Diego High School, in downtown San Diego, 1961.
2. What was the school team nickname, and what are/were your school's colors? Cavemen, and uniforms were Powder Blue and White
3. What was the name of your school song, and can you still sing it? The Gray Castle. No, I had to look up the name of the song, let alone the words and have no idea of the melody.
4. Did you have a car? How did you get to and from school? No car until I was 23. I took the bus both ways.
5. Did you date someone from your high school? Or marry someone from your high school? Were you considered a flirt? No; No; and I was too self-conscious to flirt.
6. What social group were you in? I was in the outcast group - the nerds and geeks, with short hair and glasses, and heavy into math, physics, chemistry, etc.
7. Who was/were your favorite teachers? Mrs. Johnsie Posey (geometry, calculus), J.O. Peterson (chemistry)
8. What did you do on Friday nights? Football game in the fall, home watching TV or playing family games.
9. Did you go to and have fun at the Senior Prom? Nope. Didn't go to the prom, although they tried to line me up with a really smart girl. She didn't want to go either.
10. Have you been to reunions, and are you planning on going to the next reunion? I wnt to the 10th, and was essentially shunned by all the people I didn't know. I might go to the 50th in 2011 when no one will remember what anybody looked like!
I really hated high school because I got picked on for being small, unathletic and smart. All except the learning part - that was fun!
See, that wasn't so bad, was it? Kind of true confessions time. Now write a post answering these questions on your blog or put a comment on this post.
Enjoy the memories! Or not...
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
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OK, I'll play - but just this once.
1. What was your school's full name, where was it, and what year did you graduate? Eric Hamber Secondary, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Never was graduated – I escaped a bit early & went to university. (Hamber opened in ’62 and I was there at the start - in Grade 9.)
2. What was the school team nickname, and what are/were your school's colors? Teams? Nickname? Oh, dear – no idea. I remember some cute boy playing rugby or maybe it was soccer - and I remember going to basketball games. School colours – pale blue & burgundy (?) The school was named for a former Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia and those were his horse racing colours. (Honest - at least I believe that’s true.)
3. What was the name of your school song, and can you still sing it? Again – no idea at all. My kids noticed in an annual that I was listed as being in the glee club. I swear this wasn’t so!
4. Did you have a car? How did you get to and from school? Took a bus or walked (through the mounting snow drifts, etc. etc.) Never have I had a motorized vehicle – once I had a 3 wheeled bike, but that was much later. Some ‘boys’ in high school had cars and spent a LOT of time fixing them. One boyfriend had a scooter. That was cool.
5. Did you date someone from your high school? Sure – but I’m not telling now. Or marry someone from your high school? No way! Were you considered a flirt? I doubt it, but...
6. What social group were you in? Good question – not the arty group & not the wildest group.
7. Who was/were your favorite teachers? So embarrassing – I remember no names, except the two who ticked me off. I plead old age.
8. What did you do on Friday nights? Go to a dance, if there was one.
9. Did you go to and have fun at the Senior Prom? We didn’t have proms (well, I don't think so, what s a prom really) – but there were school dances. I did go to the Graduation do (just to be contrary) and I think we danced. (The church dances were way better.)
10. Have you been to reunions, and are you planning on going to the next reunion? Nope, No, NO
1. What was your school's full name, where was it, and what year did you graduate? Ridley Park High School, Ridley Park, Pennsylvania, 1960.
2. What was the school team nickname, and what are/were your school's colors? Parkers. Red and white.
3. What was the name of your school song, and can you still sing it? Hail, Ridley Park High School. Yes.
4. Did you have a car? How did you get to and from school? I took the bus both ways; occasionally, I took my bike--you know that kind with one speed.
5. Did you date someone from your high school? Or marry someone from your high school? Were you considered a flirt? Yes; no; and too shy.
6. What social group were you in? I was in the outcast group - the nerds and geeks, with short hair and glasses, and heavy into math, physics, chemistry, etc.
7. Who was/were your favorite teachers? Mr. Fellers - Problems of Democracy. Mr. Bernot - Sold/Trig.
8. What did you do on Friday nights? Bowling followed by pizza at Marra's.
9. Did you go to and have fun at the Senior Prom? Yes, and had permission to stay out all night but fell asleep at 1:30AM.
10. Have you been to reunions, and are you planning on going to the next reunion? I started going with my 20th and have been going ever since. In our township, we had three elementary schools (Grades 1-8), two public and one Catholic. We held an eighth grade reunion last year and that turned out to be even more fun than the high school reunion since we all grew up together in the same town but we were all bussed to our high schools and were considered outsiders by the "locals".
I already had three posts for today because I let myself get behind, so I'm using this for Memories on Monday.
My High School Years
1. Nokomis High School, Nokomis, Saskatchewan
2. Can't remember...that's if we had one. This was a small school. My Grade 12 graduating class had only 9 students in it!
3. Ditto for school song.
4. No car. We lived on a cattle ranch a 10 minute drive from town so had to get rides from the parents to get to activities. Joy of joys when I got my driver's license.
5. nope, not really, I dated guys from other small towns around
6. Social group? It was a small school so difficult to say...guess I was one of the nerdy science types.
7. Fav teacher? This goes back to junior high and elementary. I had Mrs. Woods FIVE times and thought she was great!
8. Friday nights? A school dance somewhere if there was one.
9. School Proms? Attended my Grade 12 grad where we danced, then went to an all night party with the breakfast at one of our school mates parent's house.
10. School Reunions? This town does "Homecomings". I went to one last summer and my Grade 4 teacher recognized me right away :) I must have made a big impact on her as she named one of her kids the same name as me;)
Growing up in rural Saskatchewan was fun. My first three years of schooling were spent attending a one room school house with eight grades and one teacher. In Grade 4 we were bussed into the town of Nokomis to go to the 'big' school. Nokomis has a population of about 400 people.
Thanks for the fun survey!
Joan Miller
Okay, Randy... I'll play!
O.K., I'm in. I know it's Tuesday! You can see my answers here
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