Wednesday, October 7, 2009

SDGS Seminar on 14 November:

The San Diego Genealogical Society will have an All-Day Seminar on Saturday, 14 November featuring Here is the announcement from the SDGS Newsletter:

On November 14th, replacing our regular monthly meeting, we will be having an all-day seminar featuring -- the largest online genealogy research service. It is titled: Everyone Has a Story -- Discover Yours! company representatives will be with us and give four presentations covering how to get the most from They will cover:

1) The best strategies for getting the most out of,

2) Tapping into the and Rootsweb community,

3) The Ancestry World Archives Project

4) Publishing and printing using ‘My Canvas’.

There will certainly be something of interest to researchers at all levels. If you haven’t used Ancestry or feel you’re not getting the most out of your time online, this seminar is a ‘must’.

The event will be held at the Handlery Hotel in Mission Valley. The cost for the meeting, including lunch, will be $30 for members and $35 for nonmembers. A delicious boxed lunch will be served with a croissant sandwich (choice of ham, turkey, roast beef or grilled vegetables), potato chips, whole fruit, cookie and beverage. Reservations are required, so look for the reservation flyer in this Newsletter and on our web site. The meeting will also be promoted by and we expect a record turnout, so be sure get your reservations in early. There is limited seating so mail your reservation form and check in today so you won’t miss this exciting and information packed seminar. There will be an ‘opportunity drawing’ for an Annual World Deluxe membership. Tickets will be on sale at our meetings and through our web site -- a $300 value. Be sure to enter.

The seminar runs from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Handlery Hotel in Mission Valley is located at 950 Hotel Circle North in Mission Valley (between I-5 and I-15).

The registration form is on the SDGS web site here.

I'm looking forward to hearing what has to say in this seminar. I missed a similar set of presentations at the FGS Conference in Little Rock.

This type of seminar is a win-win for both and the society - may gain new subscribers and SDGS may gain new members.

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