Here are my recommendations for Genealogy Fun this weekend:
1) Listen to Geneabloggers Radio tonight (Friday night, 10 p.m. ET, 9 p.m. CT, 8 p.m. MT and 7 p.m. PT) hosted by Thomas MacEntee. This week's topic is "Oh Give Me a Home – Genealogy and the Homestead Act." The special guests are:
* Blake Bell of the Homestead National Monument of America in Beatrice, Nebraska
* Gail Blankenau a genealogist and land records expert
* Amy Lauters of the Beyond Little House blog discussing Laura Ingalls Wilder and her family’s history with the Homestead Act.
2) Listen to the FGS Radio - My Society show on Saturday (2 p.m. ET, 1 p.m. CT, 12 noon MT, 11 a.m. PT) hosted by Drew Smith this week. The topic is "Working With and Inspiring Volunteers." The special guests are:
* Roger Moffat of the Western Michigan Genealogical Society.
* Donna Moughty is our FGS 2011 Conference Speaker of the Week about upcoming presentations at the conference in Springfield, Illinois this September.
3) Check out the recent Webinars on:
* "Newspapers for Genealogists: Using GenealogyBank.com to document every day of your ancestors' lives" with Tom Kemp.
* "Google+ the Next Big Thing" with Paul Allen, Dan Lynch and Mark Olson (free until 25 August from Legacy Family Tree).
* "Organizng for Success" with Karen Clifford (available free indefinitely from Legacy Family Tree)
* "The Power of DNA in Unlocking Family Relationships," with Ugo Perugo (available indefinitely from Legacy Family Tree)
* "Leveraging the Power of "We": a Watershed Event in Discovering Where to Find Your Ancestors (Research Wiki, Research Courses, and FamilySearch Forums)," with Michael Ritchey (available from Legacy Family Tree).
* RootsMagic Webinars (all free) available at http://www.rootsmagic.com/Webinars/
* National Genealogical Society (NGS) Videos (free to view) at http://www.ngsgenealogy.org/cs/videos_online
4) Respond to my Saturday Night Genealogy Fun challenge, posted on www.geneamusings.com soon after 12 noon Pacific time (that's 1900 GMT for those who understand time zones).
5) Go to a local genealogical society program, or go to a library or repository with genealogical resources. I'm going to the Computer Genealogy Society of San Diego (CGSSD) meeting on Saturday morning to participate in the Cloud Computing SIG and to hear Hal Horrocks presentation on Rootsweb message boards and mailing lists.
6) Do you still have material in your "genealogy piles" that needs to be added to your genealogy software program? I collected 127 pages three weeks ago at Carlsbad Library, and have been slowly adding that to my database.
7) Spend time with your family doing fun things. We have my daughter and two granddaughters coming on Saturday for the weekend. Lots of "making family history" here!
Whatever you decide, please tell us about your genealogy endeavors on a social network or in a blog post. You never know when your experiences may stimulate or encourage others to do useful genealogy work.
Welcome to my genealogy blog. Genea-Musings features genealogy research tips and techniques, genealogy news items and commentary, genealogy humor, San Diego genealogy society news, family history research and some family history stories from the keyboard of Randy Seaver (of Chula Vista CA), who thinks that Genealogy Research Is really FUN! Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2006-2024.
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