Wednesday, August 10, 2011

(Not So) Wordless Wednesday - Post 165: Betty and the Cat

I'm posting family photographs from my collection on Wednesdays, but they won't be Wordless Wednesday posts like others do - I simply am incapable of having a wordless post.

Here is a photograph from the Seaver/Carringer family collection handed down by my mother in the
1988-2002 time period:

This photograph is of my mother, Betty Carringer, taken in about 1922, and is in the Pentecost album.  She is holding a cat, and the cat has somebody's spectacles on!  To Betty's right is the back end of a dog, but the dog's face is not seen in the picture. 

The photo was probably taken by Betty's father, Lyle Carringer, in the back yard of their home at 2130 Fern Street in San Diego.


Ruth said...

Might wanna send this to the footnotemaven!

Ruth Stephens
Ruth's Genealogy

Root Digger said...

This really is a cute photo...What a great one to have.