Wednesday, January 25, 2012

RootsTech 2012 Syllabus articles are online...

In a significant move, the RootsTech 2012 syllabus articles, for most presentations, are available online at  click on the day of the week, and the specific session, and there may be the syllabus available in some format (usually .doc or .pdf).

Here is a screen shot of the Sessions page:

The titles of the presentations are active links.  I clicked the Steve Morse presentation link and saw:

This page provides a summary of the presentation, including title, date, time, room, session number, type, difficulty, track, and syllabi (with links to the pages).  Below that is the presentation description and the biography of the presenter.

I don't know if any major conference has done this before - meaning posting the syllabus pages for most of the presentations on the Internet.  I appreciate having this information before the presentation, and not have to wait for the CD in order to judge which presentation I might want to attend.

I checked the RootsTech app, but neither the Apple or Android app currently provides a link to the syllabus material.  Disclosure:  I am an Official Blogger for RootsTech 2012, and have had my registration fee paid for by the organization.  I look forward to attending this conference! 

The URL for this post is: 

Copyright (c) Randall J. Seaver, 2012


Amy Johnson Crow said...

The FGS conference has posted the syllabus on the website before the conference for the past few years. Unlike RootsTech, however, the link has been available just to conference attendees, not everyone.

Eileen said...

Thank you so much for publishing this information. What a great boon to those of us who are unable to attend.