Wednesday, October 3, 2012

(Not So) Wordless Wednesday - Post 225: Grandmother Bess Seaver in 1949

 I am posting photographs from my family collections for (Not So) Wordless Wednesday (you know me, I can't go wordless!).    

Here is a photograph from the Geraldine (Seaver) Remley family collection handed down from my Aunt Gerry in 2007 after her passing. 

This is my grandmother Alma Bessie (Richmond) Seaver (1882-1962) in a striped dress and white tennis shoes and a white necklace.  This 1949 picture is pretty much how I recall how my grandmother looked the only time I met her in 1959.

There is a young lady in the picture next to the automobile, and I don't know who she is.  Perhaps one of my cousins will know who it is when I share this photo with them at Christmas time.

I wonder why this picture was taken in this setting.  Did they stop at a rest stop or picnic area?  My guess is that Aunt Gerry took the picture.

Update:  My colleague, Susi Pentico, thinks that the shoes are "white oxfords" rather than "tennis shoes."  I have no clue, of course!  Susi also thinks that there is a man next to the young female in the background.  I think she may be right - although it may be an older woman whose arm and dark pattern shirt are visible but his head is turned away from the camera.

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Copyright (c) 2012, Randall J. Seaver

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