Sunday, February 17, 2013

SNGF Genealogy OCD Posts Compendium

I want to give a shout out to these intrepid genea-bloggers who braved the call of this weekend's Saturday Night Genealogy Fun (SNGF) to share their sense of humor with us:

*  Kim Mills on the Footsteps of the Past blog.

*  Deb Ruth on the Adventures in Genealogy blog.

*  Liz Tapley on The Tapley Tree ... and its Branches blog.

*  Colleen G. Brown Pasquale on the Leaves and Branches blog.

Lots of excellent Genealogy OCD sayings here.

I received one in email from reader Howland who said:  "A true compulsive would want the letters in alphabetical order" = G-CDO

Did anyone else play this weekend on this SNGF?

If I missed your SNGF blog post, please comment on this post or the SNGF post, or email me at

The URL for this post is:


Unknown said...

I enjoyed those others so here is mine:

You make your granddaughter take a nap so you can watch your webinar.

You sit down to just send an email and 2 hours later you realize you have been searching

Ashleigh said...

I always said that my idea of heaven would be arriving at the pearly gates and all my ancestors are waiting for me to tell me what I got right and how WRONG I was about other things, then we would all sit around a table and I would hear first hand accounts of their lives and what it really was like to be them and live when they did.

Start Your Family Tree w/ Me!