Tuesday, February 17, 2015

New Book by Geoff Rasmussen - "Kindred Voices: Listening for our Ancestors"

I received this information from Geoff Rasmussen of Legacy Family Tree and Family Tree Webinars:

A new book by Legacy's Geoff Rasmussen | 100 pages | 
Paperback full-color pre-order ($12.95) or PDF ($9.95)
"If you didn't believe it before now, Geoff Rasmussen will convince you that our ancestors want to be found as much as we want to find them. Whether you're new to genealogy or struggling with a brick wall in your research, Kindred Voices will inspire you in your quest to reach out to those who came before us. C'mon, they're waiting for you!" - Megan Smolenyak, author of Hey, America, Your Roots Are Showing
Pre-order the paperback by February 27 for $12.95 and get the PDF (electronic version) FREE! (Expected delivery date of paperback: March 2015; PDF delivered within 1 business day.)
Genealogists hear dead people...
[…pause for dramatic effect...]
The voices of our ancestors awake when our search for them begins. Most often we feel their voices – in our minds and in our hearts – as research ideas, promptings, and intuitions on where to find them. Yet sometimes, as our hearts turn toward theirs, their heaven-sent communications can be heard with our earthly ears. These voices – those of our ancestors - are the evidence of their hearts having turned towards ours.
The serendipitous encounters with genealogical voices that Geoff Rasmussen tells in Kindred Voices are true stories. Readers will be stirred by the reality of our ancestors’ interventions in our search for them. You will be inspired to either begin your search or to receive the hope you need to continue your quest. Our ancestors speak to us; are we listening?
Click here to preview the Table of Contents and the Preface (9 pages).
About the Author
Geoffmug3Geoffrey D. Rasmussen is the father of four budding genealogists. He graduated with a degree in Genealogy and Family History from Brigham Young University and has served as director and vice-president of the Utah Genealogical Association. He is a dynamic genealogy speaker on all forms of genealogy technology, and as host of the Legacy Family Tree webinar series, has spoken virtually to nearly 100 different countries. He recently received the Distinguished Presenter Award at the prestigious RootsTech conference in Salt Lake City. He has authored books, videos, articles, and websites, and develops the Legacy Family Tree software program. On a personal note, Geoff enjoys playing the piano, organ, cello and basketball. His favorite places are cemeteries, the ocean, and hanging out with other genealogists. He met and proposed to his wife in a Family History Center.
Pre-order the paperback by February 27 for $12.95 and get the PDF (electronic version) FREE!(Expected delivery date of paperback: March 2015; PDF delivered within 1 business day.)
I reviewed this book, and one of my comments appears on the back cover:
"An inspirational book to help researchers understand the “pull” of genealogy that makes it a lifelong pursuit and even an addiction to some." - Randy Seaver, author of Genea-Musings
Some of my other comments were:
"Geoff Rasmussen “feels” ancestor whispers – his ancestors help him find records of their lives. There are five great examples in this book where the whispers have led him to find records, gravestones, and more.

"The “whispers” have occurred during a walk down a library aisle, writing a letter to a German church, in a rural Maine cemetery, in a Utah courthouse, and in a parking lot. In the process of describing these “whispers,” we learn more about Geoff's life and family.
"In addition to the five examples, there is a list of 21 ways to start your family history today."

I liked the book, and encourage my readers to consider purchasing Kindred Voices.

Disclosure:  I was provided a PDF version of the book for review purposes.

Copyright (c) 2015, Randall J. Seaver


Geoff said...

Thanks for the great review Randy!

Jana Iverson Last said...

Randy, I've ordered my copy of Geoff's book. :)

I want to let you know that your blog post is listed in today's Fab Finds post at http://janasgenealogyandfamilyhistory.blogspot.com/2015/02/follow-friday-fab-finds-for-february-20.html

Have a great weekend!